OECD International Trade by Commodity Statistics database (ITCS) Update on recent events since last year Agenda Item 3a Agenda STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
2 Introduction Implementation of two new product classifications in ITCS Total Trade data comparison between Eurostat, OECD and UNSD ITCS current status Next Steps STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
3 The implementation of HS2007 and SITC rev4 Most of OECD countries sent 2007 data in the HS2007 classification HS2007 correspondence tables not all available yet At the moment, 2007 data in ITCS are only available in HS2007 and HS2002 STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
4 Total Trade comparison between Eurostat, OECD and UNSD data OECD and UNSD data are well harmonised Eurostat data are significantly larger for at least three OECD countries : Austria, France and Luxembourg Data differences reflect methodology differences STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
5 Eurostat versus OECD-UNSD methodology OECD and UNSD use WCO recommended units for quantities while Eurostat has its own quantity units Compilation of data by country of consignment and dispatch (Eurostat)/origin and last known destination(OECD-UNSD) For few countries the difference can reach more than 30% of the Total Trade (e.g. Luxembourg) STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
6 The exemple of Luxembourg STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
8 ITCS status The target reception date of June was reached by 24 countries for 2007 data Timeliness has improved More countries send units of quantities as requested STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
9 NEXT STEPS Continue and further fine-tune the data harmonization with UNSD Strengthen the cooperation with international organizations and countries on methodological aspects Improve the IT routines and maintenance in order to gain in efficiency Review in 2009 overall efficiency and effectiveness of the database system and co- operation with UNSD STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics
10 Thank you for your attention STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics