Administrator Development Series Educational Program and Curriculum Document Review Webinar Instructional Resources and Instructional Strategies January 31, 2013
OUTCOME Understand how choosing effective instructional resources and strategies are essential to the curriculum review process.
The Charter Contract
Educational Program Educational Goal Curriculum Methods of Pupil Assessment The Charter Contract
Educational Program Educational Goal Curriculum Methods of Pupil Assessment
What standards have the greatest value for the students?
FILTERS Endurance Leverage Readiness
FOUR CORNERS Develop Curricular Unit of Study Prepare Unit Planning Organizer Prepare a Pacing Calendar Name the Units of Study Assign the Standards Prioritize the Standards Educational Program
FOUR CORNERS Curricular Unit of Study Unit Planning Organizer Prepare a Pacing Calendar Name the Units of Study Assign the Standards Prioritize the Standards Educational Program
FOUR CORNERS What Resources ? What Instructional Strategies ? Curricular Unit of Study Educational Program
CURRICULAR RESOURCES Textbooks Source Documents Teacher-created Lessons Websites Curriculum Crafter Intermediate School District
What resources might increase the likelihood that students will master the learning objective? 10
FILTERS TO CONSIDER 1.How do the resources introduce the content, skills, and strategies and are they carefully sequenced? 2.Do the resources provide an adequate number and range of examples? 3.Do the resources address prerequisite skills and provide sufficient review of previously taught skills and strategies?
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES What strategies will best assist in the delivery of the content of the lesson and increase the likelihood that students will master the learning objectives?
Instructional Strategies “The specific actions taken by teachers to assist students in achieving specific learning targets (objectives).” p.211
21 st Century Skills Research-based Teaching Strategies Differentiation Strategies Intervention Strategies Strategies for Special Education Strategies for ELL
21st CENTURY SKILLS Teamwork Innovation Creativity Problem-solving Flexibility Adaptability Commitment to Continuous Learning Kamn, 2009
RESEARCH BASED TEACHING STRATEGIES Identifying Similarities and Differences Summarizing and Note-taking Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Homework and Practice Nonlinguistic Representations Cooperative Learning Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Generating and Testing Hypotheses Cues, Questions, and Advanced Organizers Marzano, 2001
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Differentiation Strategies Intervention Strategies Strategies for Special Education Strategies for English Language Learners
FOUR CORNERS Curriculum Educational Goal Pupil Assessment Educational Program
Save the Date April 26, 2013 – 9:00 AM CMU Global Campus – East Lansing