THREE VILLAGES MEDICAL PRACTICE PATIENT SURVEY 2013 Review of Results Discussion Action Plan for October 2013
Action Plan from 2012 Survey The Practice will continue with the telephone triage system at present as the majority of patients liked the system as it gives same day access to a doctor when required The Practice will continue to monitor and review the triage system The Practice will review the whole appointments system with the aim of allowing advance booking of non-urgent appointments more than a week in advance, and for more urgent appointments within 2-3 days The Practice will continue to monitor the telephone system for response times The Practice will consider allowing patients to book appointments on-line, once our new clinical system has been put in place over the summer months The Practice will install a patient information screen in the Stourbridge surgery The Practice will allow a member of the PPG to shadow the reception staff to witness the volume of telephone calls and visitors All members of the Practice will have refresher training with a view to improve the survey feedback on attitude
Progress from 2012 Actions We introduced a new telephone system which has had a mixed reviews from patients Dudley CCG commissioned the Primary Care Foundation to conduct a review of appointments in each practice and to make recommendations for improvement These were considered and accepted by the practice Patients can now book appointments up to 6 weeks in advance We have reserved appointments each day with each GP on duty and with Jayne Baker ANP for more urgent needs The telephone triage system was replaced by more GP telephone appointment slots introduced We have increased the number of GP hours per week We have lost a practice nurse, which has increased pressure on both Chris Fleming and Jayne Baker, but the new nurse starts on 4 th November. This also had an impact on the number of asthma and COPD reviews done, but we plan to complete the outstanding ones by 31 st March 2014
Progress from 2012 Actions Since the PCT ceased to exist there have been a number of contractual changes which will continue for the next year or so and will result in an actual decrease in Practice income At the same time the amount of admin required has increased considerably, eating into the amount of time GPs and nurses have to spend on patient appointments We plan to introduce a patient self check-in system and on-line booking of appointments by the end of the year We have installed the Life Channel in the Stourbridge Surgery but there are plans to replace this with a new information screen in the near future. This will allow us to include our own messages/information A member of the PRG did shadow the reception staff Training is commencing on improving patient satisfaction towards staff attitudes but we also need to look to improving staff satisfaction and overall communication too
Results of the Survey General Patient Information 210 patients returned a survey form 140 were female, 65 male and 5 did not answer 17 were aged under 25, 112 aged 25-59, 79 aged 60+, 2 did not answer 126 had been with the practice over 10 years, years, 46 less than 5 years and 6 did not answer 94 were visiting their usual practitioner, 85 were not and 31 did not answer
Results of the Survey Poorest Scores 44 rated us poorly on being able to see a practitioner within 48 hours 39 on seeing a practitioner of choice 24 on telephone access 17 on date and time of appointment 9 on availability and admin of reminder systems 8 on the time waiting 8 on the comfort of the waiting room
Results of Survey Highest Scores The highest scores were just about the appointment with the practitioner 90 patients rated us excellent on the respect shown 88 on warmth of greeting 86 on ability to listen 83 on confidence of ability 80 on whether they would recommend the practitioner to friends 78 on satisfaction with visit
Survey Results Staff/Admin 3 Questions were asked about reception staff The manner in which you were treated Respect shown for privacy and confidentiality Information provided by the practice about its services Scores averaged across ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ for all three Patients rated us ‘good’ on opportunity to make complaints or compliments
Patient Comments on how the practice could improve its service Suggestions for improvement included: A bit more joined up thinking re communication/info sharing Improve access by telephone Introduce self service check in & on line booking for appointments Improve waiting times for appointments and increase number of late/early appointments Less patronising/more understanding reception staff Apologies be offered by practitioner if running late
PRG Comments Most positive comments were about GPs Least positive related to access Results are acceptable on the whole but results for reception staff need to improve Telephone access still causes some concern Waiting times to obtain an appointment are still a problem Appointments with preferred GP is also still a problem Information on illness prevention, services and reminders could be improved
Action Plan Improve patient knowledge about Practice opening times and services by issuing flyers, information leaflets and using posters to focus on specific diseases Improve patient access by changes to the way we answer the phones and ways patients can book appointments. We will offer internet booking later this year and look at other options like text message reminders. Continue to improve communication with patients by regularly updating the practice and NHS Choices websites and involving members of the patient participation group in practice meetings We will keep patients informed if clinics are running late