I T CONSISTS OF -Senior high school in classical studies -Senior high school specializing in science education -Accountancy course -Vocational school for industry and craftwork -Vocational school for social service - Hotel-menagement school
S ENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN CLASSICAL STUDIES This kind of high school gives a well-rounded education since it blends the literary area with the scientific and linguistic ones. It provides the students with the necessary qualifications to continue their studies in any university branch. The diploma also opens the way to the working world.
Students have to study: Italian; History; a modern foreign language: English Mathematics; Science; Physical Education; Religion (optional); Latin; Greek; Philosophy; Geography; Art; Physics.
S ENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SPECIALIZING IN SCIENCE EDUCATION In this kind of school there is a close link between scientific and humanistic subjects. Maths and experimental science assume a basic role for the students’ cultural development. The main features of this course are: - the development of science subjects and of their languages; - the presence of liberal subjects to give a complete vision of human societies; - the learning of a foreign language, usually English, for the whole five-year period; - the introduction of a second foreign language; - IT as a support for the various subjects.
S TUDENTS HAVE TO STUDY : Italian; History; A modern foreign language: English Mathematics; Science; Physical Education; Religion (optional); Latin; Philosophy; Geography; Art Physics Technical Drawing Biology
ACCOUNTANCY COURSE The technical education has deeply renewed its course of study in order to develop in the students the skills required by the market. The main characteristics of the accounting course I.G.E.A. are: more hours spent in labs; a new subject : “law and political economy” since the first class; two foreign languages (French and English) from the first class and for the whole five-year period; the matching of IT and maths in lab; the introduction of the operating area “data and texts processing ” to develop computer skills. At the end of the course the students will obtain a diploma which opens the way either to university or to the working world.
S TUDENTS HAVE TO STUDY : Italian; History; Two modern foreign languages: English and French Mathematics; Science; Physical Education; Religion (optional); Economy Geography; Bussiness Low I.T
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL FOR INDUSTRY AND CRAFTWORK This kind of school consists of different courses. They are: a course for electronics operator; a course for electricity operator; a course for mechanics operator; a course for thermal operator. Each area is articulated in: a three-year course: to obtain the qualification of electronics, electricity, mechanics or thermal operator; An additional two-year course, after the qualification, to obtain the diploma which opens the way to the working world and to University.
S TUDENTS HAVE TO STUDY : Italian; History; A modern foreign language: English Mathematics; Science; Physical Education; Religion (optional); Biology Law and Economy Electronics
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL SERVICE The vocational education consists of two courses: a three-year course to obtain the qualification of “welfare worker”; An additional two-year course (after the qualification) to obtain the final diploma. This kind of school offers a range of subjects designed to prepare young people for adult life, including further study and employment in social area (Public Agencies, nursery schools, elderly people’s day-care, children’s care, etc…). The students can also improve their knowledge attending courses financed by EU.
S TUDENTS HAVE TO STUDY : Italian; History; A modern foreign language: English Law and Political Economy; Mathematics; Information Technology Science; Physical Education; Religion (optional); Psychology; Social Law; Drawing; Music; Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education; Methodology
H OTEL - MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Since 2003/2004 “Cataldo Agostinelli” High School as enriched its educational offer with the hotel- management school and its three areas: cooking, bar tenancy and reception. Each area is articulated in a two-year and three-year course. The aim of the first two years is to increase students’ cultural level providing them with a good professionality. According to their interests and aptitude, at the end of the first two years the students can choose the area they want to improve and after three years they can obtain the final diploma.
S TUDENTS HAVE TO STUDY : Italian; History; Modern foreign languages: English and French Law and Economy; Mathematics; Physical Education; Religion(optional); Science; I.T; Reception Lab Hotel Administration Texts and data Treatment Lab Cultural and Touristic Resources Geography