Overview for New Members
Board Meetings The Board meets four times during the Association year, usually in October or November, February, June and August. The Board may also meet by conference call, if necessary.
Board Meeting Dates and Locations These dates include the date you should plan to arrive: June 8-11, 2016Westin (includes orientation)Chicago River North Chicago, Illinois August 3-5, 2016Marriott Marquis (Annual Meeting: August 3-9)San Francisco, California (House meets: August 8-9)
Board Meeting Dates These dates also include the date you should plan to arrive. The Ritz-Carlton AtlantaNovember 10-12, 2016 Atlanta, Georgia JW Marriott MarquisFebruary 1-3, 2017 Miami, Florida (Midyear Meeting: February 2-6) (House meets: February 6) Greektown Casino HotelJune 8-10, 2017 Detroit, Michigan New York Hilton MidtownAugust 9-11, 2017 New York, New York (Annual Meeting: August 10-15) (House meets: August 14-15)
Board and Board Committee Meetings – When do they meet? For Wednesday-Friday schedule: Board Committees meet Thursday and full Board meets Friday For Thursday-Saturday schedule: Board Committees meet Friday and full Board meets Saturday
Social Events Receptions and Dinners A variety of social events will be held in conjunction with the Board of Governors Meetings. These events include a Welcome Reception, Board Dinner and Spouse Events. The Welcome Reception occurs on the arrival day, the night before the Board Committees meet.
Social Events A Board Dinner will take place the night before the Board Meeting. All Board Members are invited to bring one guest to the dinner. Dress attire for all Board Social Events is Business unless otherwise stated in the specific Board Mailing Cover Letter.
Spouse Events Optional Spouse Events may be offered for the spouses, partners and guests of the Board of Governors during Board Meetings. In the past, these events have often been offsite tours, service projects, book clubs and luncheons. Detailed information on the Spouse Events will be provided with each Board Mailing. Board Members are invoiced after each meeting for spouse events.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Executive Committee Consists of the following ex officio members: the President, who serves as Chair, the President elect, the Chair of the House, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Chairs of the Operations and Communications Committee, the Program, Evaluation and Planning Committee, and the Finance Committee.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Executive Committee Continued Consists of the following ex officio members: the President, who serves as Chair, the President elect, the Chair of the House, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Chairs of the Operations and Communications Committee, the Program, Evaluation and Planning Committee, and the Finance Committee.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Operations and Communications Committee The primary areas of responsibility of the Operations and Communications Committee are as follows: Facilities and Staff, General Counsel, Nominations, Section and Division Bylaw Amendments, Membership, Awards and Contests, Communications, Co-sponsorship, Solicitation and Acceptance of Outside Contributions and Corporate Support, Staff Compensation, Insurance Programs, Technology, Continuing Legal Education, and Publishing.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Program, Evaluation and Planning Committee The Program, Evaluation and Planning Committee develops recommendations for Association priorities, plans programming to implement the Association long range plan, encourages collaborative and innovative programs among Association entities, and evaluates all programs to ensure they effectively promote the mission and goals of the Association.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Finance Committee The Finance Committee develops recommendations for policies to ensure the prudent financial management of the Association’s resources. Upon Board approval of the recommended policies, oversees all financial activities of the Association, including, but not limited to: the general (operating) fund, section funds, special funds, the Fund for Justice and Education, and long-term invested assets. It ensures compliance with Board approved financial policies.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Executive Compensation Committee The Executive Compensation Committee reviews the performance of the Executive Director and makes recommendations to the Board regarding compensation.
Board Committees – Who are they and what do they do? Board Governance Committee The Board Governance Committee reviews the operations and procedures of the Board and makes recommendations to the Board regarding its governance activities to ensure that the Board is operating in an efficient and effective manner consistent with good governance practices. In addition, the Committee periodically conducts a survey of the Board as an evaluation of its experiences and to solicit recommendations to improve the operation of the Board.
Liaison Assignments The practice of assigning Board members to serve as liaison between ABA entities and the Board began during the 1960s. Each Board member is assigned three to four entities. Attendance at entity meetings helps the liaison keep the Board informed about the entity's plans and activities, and it keeps sections and committees up to date about the Board. In addition, the liaison is responsible for serving as counselor, advisor, and negotiator to the entities about the Board, and to the Board about the entities.
Liaison Assignments Liaison responsibility continues to be a Board priority, travel expenses must be managed with an awareness of budgetary constraints and of the cost effectiveness of meeting attendance as it relates to liaison responsibilities. Board members should give priority to attendance at section and committee meetings conducted in conjunction with the ABA's Annual or Midyear Meetings.
Liaison Assignments In the Spring, Board nominees reply to the President- Elect’s request for preferences as to liaison assignments for the coming bar year. After the President-Elect finalizes assignments, will you be notified of your assignments and provided other helpful information. In July, incoming Board liaisons should contact entity chair/chair-elect and staff to initiate communication by arranging to talk with each other over the summer, possibly meeting in person at the Annual Meeting.
Reimbursement Expenses incurred in connection with the following activities may be reimbursed on the basis of actual and reasonable cost: Meetings of the Board of Governors or its committees Assigned liaison activities Other approved events as may be scheduled Board members may be reimbursed for travel costs and per diem ($75) for expenses incurred at state bar meetings within their district, other than their own state bar. Original receipts must be provided for all expenses over $75. Expense reports should be submitted within 30 days of the meeting or trip.
Reimbursement For Annual Meetings only: No reimbursement may be made for air/rail transportation to or from the meeting site, or for taxi or limousine charges en route. The following expenses may be reimbursed from the day before the Board committees meet up until the day the House of Delegates meets. No reimbursement may be made for any expenses incurred on the day(s) that the House is in session. Lodging not to exceed the single rate established for the headquarters hotel On days when group meals are not provided, meals at actual cost not to exceed a total of $75 per day Taxis between meetings/hotels Incidentals (telephone, tips, laundry/valet) Send completed, signed reimbursement forms and receipts to Shirley Myles, American Bar Association, Division for Policy Administration, 321 N Clark Street, Chicago, IL
Hotel and Airline Reservations Board Members make their own airline reservations (ABA reimburses coach fare only). Once a Board member, ABA Meetings and Travel reserves all hotel rooms for the Board meetings and the Midyear and Annual Meetings. Hotel reservation information is collected for the November and June Meetings with the Confirmation of Attendance Form which is sent out in the Board Mailing approximately six weeks prior to the meeting date. A separate Housing Form is distributed in advance of registration for the Midyear and Annual Meetings. Board members use personal credit cards and are reimbursed.
Resources Whitebook (contains names, business and home addresses, work and cell phone numbers of all Board members and key staff) Spouse and Partner Biographies Booklet ABA Leadership Directory (Redbook) Policy and Procedures Handbook (Greenbook) ABA Constitution and Bylaws
Division for Policy Administration Key Staff Alpha M. Brady, Senior Associate Executive Director and Chief Governance Officer 312/ Rochelle E. Evans, Director, Division for Policy Administration 312/ Carri L. Kerber, Assistant Director, Division for Policy Administration 312/ Shirley Myles, Division Administrator 312/
Technology ABA Board of Governors Agendas and Other Meetings Materials (must be logged into ABA’s website to access this Board Members only page) nors/boardofgovernorsmeetingagendas.html Contains links relating to a specific Board meeting to: Board Agenda The Board agenda materials are a pdf with links embedded throughout and bookmarks for easy navigation. We recommend using Adobe Reader either to view this document on your laptop or tablet. Chronological Calendar of Events Business and Social Schedule Memo from Meetings and Travel Confirmation of Attendance Form Special Dietary Request Form
Technology Board of Governors Webpage _governors.html _governors.html Contains Links to: Board Background Board of Governors Photos and Biographies States Comprising Districts Roster for Board Committees Board Liaison Assignments Upcoming Board Meetings Blanket Authority Handbook Policy Made Easy Brochure Business Conduct Standards ABA Medal Guidelines and List of Recipients Board Summaries of Action Board of Governors List Serve: