Vocabulary Stems The base to your language!
It gives you a leg to stand on!
Vocabulary Origins English is the mixture of many languages. Its origins are Greek, Latin, French, Old English, and Middle English. English is a living language, so it is constantly changing.
Stems Beginnings – prefixes Roots – bases Endings – suffixes Add them up to make words. Example: in (into) + spec (look) + tion (act or state ) = inspection (to look into)
Mit – sent(Latin) Remit – mandato – to send back After Christmas, stores prepare for the wave of gifts that are remitted.
Intermittent – intermitente – stopping and starting between intervals. The intermittent phone service led to many dropped calls.
Mitigate- mitigar – to lessen in force or intensity, as with grief, harshness, or pain A memorial service often mitigates the loss of a loved one by remembering his life.
Prim – first (Latin) Primal – primaria – original Primitive man made primal cave drawings during the earliest known time periods.
Primer – first reader for children Puritan primers consisted of moral lessons to teach children how to read and live life according to certain religious principles.
Primitive – primitivo – being of the first or earliest in kind or existence Primitive portable phones could only make or receive calls and did not have the options available today.
Proto – first (Latin) Prototype – first in character or design, later imitated in form or style The prototype of the first car is on display at the museum.
Protocol – protocolo – the first of a document; established ceremonial procedures It is important to know the proper protocol when addressing royalty.
Protolithic – protolithic – relating to the very beginning of the Stone Age. Scientists have learned much about early humans from protolithic fossils.
Tain – hold (Latin) Abstain – abstenerse – to hold oneself back I beg of you to abstain from sexual activity, especially at school!
Detain - detener - to hold down I was detained by traffic, and that’s why I was late today.
Sustain – mantener – to support or hold In order to sustain students’ interest, teachers try to vary lesson types.
Vert – turn (Latin) Incontrovertible – incontrovertible – not open to question or dispute The incontrovertible DNA evidence proved he had not committed the murder.
Extrovert – one who is outgoing or turn outward to others (not physically turning) An extrovert often is the one who will organize the party and entertain the crowd.
Subvert – to over throw or turn against The American colonists subverted the British rule and became an independent nation.
Writing Write ten sentences using vocabulary words (at least two from each group). Use clear context clues with each word. Underline the vocabulary words twice and the context clues once.