Chapter 16 – World War II ( ) Section 1 – Hitler’s Lightning War Main Idea: Using the sudden, mass attack called blitzkrieg, Germany overran much of Europe and North Africa Why It Matters Now: Hitler’s actions set off WWII. The results of the war still affect the politics and economies of today’s world
Major Players in WWII Allies: England- Winston Churchill US- Franklin D. Roosevelt USSR- Joseph Stalin Axis: Germany- Adolf Hitler Italy- Benito Mussolini Japan- General Hideki Tojo
Germany Sparks a New War in Europe After taking Austria and Czechoslovakia, Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939 – Use blitzkrieg warfare to defeat Poland Planes bomb Polish cities, then tanks move in followed by 1.5 million troops A British View of blitzkrieg
Europe Joins the War September 3, Britain and France declare war on Germany Neville Chamberlain broadcast the news to the nation Soviets invade Poland, Baltic states and Finland while Hitler starts through Europe
Battle for France Germans go around Maginot Line (system of fortifications along France/German Border) – Push French and allies to the sea Italy now joins Axis Powers – Declare war on France and Britain – Italian troops force France to surrender on June 22, 1940
Battle for Britain Germany constantly bombs England – 3 things save England 1.Moral 2.Enigma Machine 3.Radar – Force Hitler to call of bombings Operation Sea Lion Never used
Eastern Front and the Mediterranean Led by Gen. Erwin Rommel (Desert Fox), the Africa Korps achieve victory in N. Africa Hitler takes Balkans as he secretly prepares to invade Soviet Union – Operation Barbarossa begins June 22, 1941 Upset by German attack, Russians able to stop Hitler’s forces near Moscow
U.S. Aids its Allies US remains neutral but helps Britain with Lend-Lease Act (1941) – Lend and lease weapons and supplies to countries vital to the US FDR and Winston Churchill issue Atlantic Charter – Declare free trade among nations and the right of people to choose their own govts
Germany Tests the US German submarines start to attack US ships and destroyers bringing America close to war Hitler causes not to bring the US in to the war yet