Notes 2/15/16 Transportation Vocabulary
Warm-Up 2/17 What is the difference between signing a noun and a verb in ASL? Give an example from yesterday’s vocabulary.
Noun/Verb Pairs Noun/verb pairs use the same handshape, location, palm orientation, but have different movement. Nouns are signed twice, verbs are signed once. AIRPLANE/FLY CAR/DRIVE Others: CHAIR/SIT, (CUP) DRINK/DRINK, FOOD/EAT
Lexicalized Signs Signs that are fingerspelled in a specific speed and style, creating their own sign. Written in gloss using # Ex: #BUS, #MALL, #STYLE, #BACK
Activity: Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? Each student will have a strip of paper with either a question or an answer on it. Using your new vocabulary, ask and answer how to get to various places in the world. Example: if someone has “How do you get to Houston?”, you need to meet with the person who has “Drive in a car on highway 59”. Ask as many people as you need to until you find your partner. ALL OF THIS IS IN ASL!
What Gloss is and isn’t Glossing is NOT just re-writing the words in all capital letters omitting words like “the”, “at”, and “to” writing, because there is not an equivalent number of words uses from English to ASL Glossing is a conceptual transcription of everything that you will sign If I read your gloss, I should be able to sign everything exactly the way you will sign it. If you have glossed a word that you don’t know how to sign, your gloss is incorrect. Much harder than you think.
Glossing examples English lyrics: I’ve never seen a diamond in the flesh/ I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies. Incorrect examples of ASL gloss: ME NEVER SEEN DIAMOND FLESH. ME CUT MY TEETH WEDDING RINGS MOVIES. DIAMOND FLESH ME NEVER SEEN. WEDDING RINGS MOVIES ME CUT MY TEETH. Correct example of ASL gloss: DIAMOND REAL, ME NEVER SEE. CL:1, CL:1 MEET CL:G (on finger) MARRY WATCH MOVIE ONLY.
ASL Glossing conventions “+” can be used to show signing more than once “#” can be used if something is lexicalized, or is a loan sign, like #BUS, #MALL “-” dashes in between letters indicates fingerspelling, like S-T-R-O-T-H- E-R “-” dashes in between words indicates that 2 or more English words are combined to form one sign, like LOOK-FOR. “CL” refers to a classifier. Ex: CL-3, CL:3, 3-CL to show a vehicle doing something
Activity: Sentence Strip Glossing Get into groups of 4. Decide the best way to gloss the sentence you had from yesterday’s transportation activity. If you were absent, make up a question or a set of directions.
ASL 1- Warm-Up 2/19 Write the following sentences in ASL Gloss: 1.I want a new car for my birthday. 2. I can ride a motorcycle to school. 3. Have you ever been on a plane?
ASL 2- Warm-Up 2/19 Write down how you got to school today. Write a complete GLOSSED sentence. Be prepared to sign it with a partner.
Activity: Forming ASL Gloss I will give you a sentence strip and tell you which vocabulary word you need to write on it. I will tell the class sentences in English that you are going to practice glossing. If the word on your sentence strip is necessary for the sentence I said, walk up to the front of the class and move yourself in the correct ASL sentence order. The classes will practice signing the sentence as you’ve formed it, and we’ll decide as a class what, if anything, needs to be changed.