Main Beneficiaries and needs addressed
Small traders in historic districts Producers / Processors Consum ers / G.A.S Improve the quality of life of citizens through the Sicilian agriculture and food as it represents a major contribution to wealth, health and environmental improvement. ✔✔✔ Promote and enhance the image of the Sicilian Region in the world thanks to the variety and distinctiveness of our agricultural and food products, putting in value territory, who live and work there. ✔✔✔ Establish a framework in terms of food security, nutritional and environmental sensitivity. ✔✔✔ Establish a food chain based on the values of identity, transparency, efficiency and sustainability. ✔✔✔ Train and educate to pass the knowledge to the younger generation, introducing the concept of social responsibility as consumers of food. ✔✔✔ Promote all forms of direct marketing that re- develop the full potential producers and response to the growing demand for goods and Sicilian local food. ✔✔ Reduce costs / saving money by eliminating middlemen / intermediations. ✔✔✔ Generate impact on employment and income. ✔✔
Set a fair price and an effective quality assurance and transparency of food. ✔✔ Create a common strategy ( production, marketing, etc.) ✔✔ Improve the quality controls. ✔ ✔ Develop packaging activities, ensuring the reduction of waste and inorganic waste in their packaging. ✔ Improve / create facilities adapted to the short chain. ✔ Creating culture sections in areas with possibility of abandonment of agricultural production and / or excessively fragmented holdings. ✔ Increased market qualification. ✔✔ Improving reception for agricultural products. ✔✔ Increased internal discipline. ✔✔ ✔ Support from the LEADER projects and Structural Funds. ✔ ✔ Improved market transparency. ✔✔ ✔ Main Beneficiaries and needs addressed Small traders in historic districts Producers / Processors Consum ers / G.A.S