Vocabulary Slide Show Ch. 17 Wheelock
libellus, libelli (m) Translation? –little book Part of Speech? –2 nd declension noun English Derivatives? –libel, libelous; diminutive of liber Ways to remember?
qui, quae, quod Translation? –who, which, what, that Part of Speech? –relative pronoun English Derivatives? –quorum Ways to remember?
caecus, caeca, caecum Translation? –blind Part of Speech? –2-1-2 adjective English Derivatives? –caecum, caecal, caecilian Ways to remember?
levis, leve Translation? –light, slight, easy, trivial Part of Speech? –3 rd declension adjective English Derivatives? –levity, lever, leaven, alleviate, elevate, relevant, Ways to remember?
aut; aut…aut Translation? –or; either…or Part of Speech? –conjunction Ways to remember?
cito Translation? –quickly Part of Speech? –adverb English Derivatives? –excite, incite, recite; recito below Ways to remember?
quoque Translation? –also, too Part of Speech? –adverb Ways to remember?
admitto, -mittere, -misi, -missum Translation? –to admit, receive, let in Part of Speech? –3 rd conjugation verb English Derivatives? –admission, admissible, inadmissible, Ways to remember?
coepi,..., coepisse, coeptum Translation? –began (defective verb used only in the perfect system; present system is supplied by incipio Part of Speech? –3 rd conjugation verb Ways to remember?
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum Translation? –to desire, wish, long for Part of Speech? –3 rd io conjugation verb English Derivatives? –Cupid, cupidity Ways to remember?
deleo, delere, delevi, deletum Translation? –to destroy, wipe out, erase Part of Speech? –2 nd conjugation verb English Derivatives? –delete, indelible Ways to remember?
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratum Translation? –to desire, long for, miss Part of Speech? –1 st conjugation verb English Derivatives? –desire, desirous Ways to remember?
incipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum Translation? –to begin Part of Speech? –3 rd io conjugation verb English Derivatives? –incipient, inception; capio Ways to remember?
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum Translation? –to sail, navigate Part of Speech? –1 st conjugation verb English Derivatives? –navigation, navigable; nauta Ways to remember?
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectum Translation? –to neglect, disregard Part of Speech? –3 rd conjugation verb English Derivatives? –negligent Ways to remember?
recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatum Translation? –to read aloud, recite Part of Speech? –1 st conjugation verb English Derivatives? –recital, recitation, recitative Ways to remember?