Parts of Speech Practice with Adjectives
Greg buys old bicycles. What part of speech is the word bicycles? Is there a word that tells what kind, which one, or how many bicycles? What part of speech is old?
Greg buys old bicycles. What part of speech is the word bicycles? Noun Is there a word that tells what kind, which one, or how many bicycles? Yes What part of speech is old? Adjective
By the end of today, you should be able to: 1. Define “adjective” and be familiar with the different types of adjectives. 2. Be able to tell a pronoun from an adjective 3. Be able to tell a noun from an adjective 4. Define and identify articles 5. Write sentences that have adjectives
What is an adjective? Word that is used to modify a noun or pronoun Modify: describe the word; make its meaning more definite Adjectives tell: what kind, which one, or how many
Demonstrative Adjective THISTHAT THESE THOSE Demonstrative adjectives modify a noun or pronoun (instead of taking its place like with demonstrative pronouns) Ex: Did Jennifer draw this picture or that one? Ex: Let’s take these sandwiches and those apples on our picnic.
Pronoun or Adjective? When words are used as pronouns, they take the place of nouns. When words are used as adjectives, they modify nouns or pronouns. Example: I like that.I like that shirt. Either will do.Either car will do.
Pronoun or Adjective? Which is yours? That book is my favorite. Whose hat is it? Do you like these? Which one is yours? Whose is it?
Adjective or Noun? Many words that can stand alone as nouns can also be used as adjectives modifying nouns or pronouns. Ex: Cheese (noun) Cheese Sandwich (cheese= adjective) Snow (noun) Snow sculpture (snow= adjective) Winter (noun) Winter sale (winter= adjective)
Proper Adjective or Proper Noun? Adjectives formed from proper nouns are called proper adjectives. Ex: Texas (proper noun) Texas coast (proper adjective) Picasso (proper noun) Picasso painting (proper adjective) Dublin (proper noun) Dublin streets (proper adjective)
Practice! Indicate whether each bolded word or word group in the paragraph is used as a noun or an adjective. I love anything that has to do with (1) baseball. I save the (2) money I make mowinf the fold course, and then I go to the (3) card (4) store. The (5) store owner sold me a terrific (6) Don Mattingly (7) card today. It came in its own (8) plastic case. I’ll display my new card with,y other favorites in a special (9) glass (10) case on the wall in my room.
I love anything that has to do with (1) baseball. I save the (2) money I make mowing the golf course, and then I go to the (3) card (4) store. The (5) store owner sold me a terrific (6) Don Mattingly (7) card today. It came in its own (8) plastic case. I’ll display my new card with my other favorites in a special (9) glass (10) case on the wall in my room. ______________________________________________ _____ 1. noun2. noun3. adjective 4. noun 5. adjective6. adjective7.noun 8. adjective9. adjective10. noun
Articles Did you know the words below are adjectives? A An The They are called articles. There are two types of articles: definite and indefinite
Indefinite Articles A and an are called indefinite articles because they refer to any member of a general group. A: used before words with a consonant sound An: used before words with a vowel sound
A or An? _______ girl won. _______ elephant escaped. This is ______ honor. They are having ______ one-day sale.
Definite Articles The is a definite article because it refers to someone or something in particular. Ex: The girl won. The one-day sale is on Saturday. Where is the elephant? The honor goes to her.
Adjectives in Sentences An adjective usually comes before the noun or pronoun it modifies. Ms. Farrell tells all students that good workers will be given special privileges. A sweating, exhausted runner crossed the line. Write one sentence using an adjective that comes before a noun/pronoun.
Adjectives in Sentences In some cases, adjectives follow the word they modify. A dog, old and overweight, snored in the sun. Write one sentence where the adjective follows a noun/ pronoun.
Adjectives in Sentences Other words may separate an adjective from the noun or pronoun it modifies. Beverly was worried. She felt nervous about the play. Write one sentence where other words separate an adjective from the noun/pronoun it modifies.