Report from the Australian Regional Data Assembly Centre Helen Beggs 1, Leon Majewski 2 and Justin Freeman 1 1 Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, 2 Space Based Observations Section, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia Presented at 9 th GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Perros-Guirec, France, 9 June 2008
Introduction What is IMOS? BoM GHRSST-PP Products (2008) – L2P, L3P and DDS files of locally received HRPT AVHRR SST (IMOS) – L4 files (BLUElink) RAMSSA: Operational, daily 1/12 regional SSTfnd analysis (On GDAC!) GAMSSA: Beta Test, daily 1/4 global SSTfnd analysis Other Contributions to GHRSST-PP (2008) – Validation SST from ships (IMOS) – NOAA/BoM collaboration on MTSAT-1R SST calibration, validation and processing – Datasets for Western Pacific Tropical Warm Pool Diurnal Variability Study – Testing Diurnal Variation SEVIRI Look-Up Table with RAMSSA
Nation-wide collaborative program designed to observe the oceans around Australia 27 Australian institutions mid-2007 to mid-2011 $AUS 55M cash + $AUS 50M in kind to install infrastructure for marine research All IMOS data available under the GOOS data access principles Precursor to an Australian Integrated Ocean Observing System IMOS director, Dr Gary Meyers, keen to support GHRSST-PP See
IMOS Project: Sea Surface Temperature Sensors for Australian Vessels Commencing 2008 BoM: Equip Australian VOS with hull-mounted temperature sensors and transmit real-time, 3-hourly SSTs via GTS CSIRO: NRT daily PRT SSTs from Rottnest Is ferry (Seaflyte) AIMS: NRT SSTs from – Whitsunday to Hook Reef ferry (radiometer) – Heron Is ferry (thermosalinograph) Data Streams QC’d data will be supplied in NRT to the GTS and to IMOS in SAMOS netCDF format via MEST (Metadata Entry and Search Tool cruise tracks for 8 AVOF vessels Bilge not good place to install a hull-contact sensor!
IMOS Project: Satellite SST L2P/L3P Data Products Covering the Australian Region By Dec 2008 Provide L2P and L3P files of HRPT AVHRR SSTdepth data from NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 from groundstations at Townsville, Darwin, Perth and Melbourne. By Dec 2009 In collaboration with Andy Harris, Jon Mittaz and Gary Corlett, provide L2P files of HRPT AVHRR skin SST by regressing AVHRR BTs against AATSR skin SST. HRPT AVHRR SST1m 0.01° L3P - available now back to 1995 By Dec 2010 Raw HRPT AVHRR data back to ~1990 will be reprocessed to L2P/L3P files and made available to GHRSST global re-analysis and IMOS. 1 Day 14 Days
NOAA/BoM MTSAT-1R SST Collaboration MTSAT-1R: Japanese geostationary satellite above equator at 140°E BoM routinely produces MTSAT-1R skin SST L2P files using NOAA code (Andy Harris/Jon Mittaz) Need to improve calibration of MTSAT-1R radiances This will improve the performance of the Bayesian cloud screening Comparisons b/w MTSAT-1R and co-located AVHRR obs of BTs are being used as an operational check of consistency in MTSAT-1R calibration Can produce MTSAT-1R SSTdepth using regression against buoy observations All SSTskinProximity Confidence FlagSSTskin with Prox Conf = 4 or 5
BoM Regional Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis System V1.0: Operational 13 Jun > RT input to BoM NWP models V1.1: Operational 26 Oct 2007 Depth: Foundation Resolution: Daily, 1/12° Domain: 60°E - 170°W, 20°N - 70°S Observation correlation length scale: 12 km Background correlation length scale: 20 km BGF: Combination of previous day’s RAMSSA and previous BoM weekly global SSTblend analysis Based on legacy BoM optimal interpolation regional SST analysis system (Smith et al., 1999)(Smith et al., 1999) Data Inputs: – 1 km HRPT AVHRR (NOAA-17, -18) – 9 km NESDIS GAC AVHRR (NOAA-17, -18, METOP-A) – 25 km AMSR-E (Aqua) L2P – 1/6° AATSR (EnviSat) – Buoy and ship obs (GTS) – 1/12° NCEP ice edge analyses Daily foundation SST analyses available by ~0330 UT as netCDF L4 files from and
BoM Global Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis System V1.0: Alpha testing started 6 Dec 2007 Beta testing started 4 May 2008 Depth: Foundation Resolution: Daily, 1/4° Domain: global Based on RAMSSA v1.1 code Observation correlation length scale: 20 km Background correlation length scale: 50 km BGF: Combination of previous day’s GAMSSA and Reynolds climatology Data Inputs: – 9 km NAVOCEANO GAC AVHRR (NOAA- 17, -18, METOP-A) L2P – 25 km AMSR-E (Aqua) L2P – 1/6° AATSR (EnviSat) – Buoy and ship obs (GTS) – 1/2° NCEP ice edge analyses (Alpha) – 1/12° NCEP ice edge analyses (Beta)
Analysis SST(date) minus Buoy SSTfnd(date+1) Over region: 60°E - 180°E, 20°N - 65°S (RAMSSA domain) Period: 1 Jan – 31 Mar 2008 GMPE Daily 1/2° SSTblend:-0.1 ± 0.5°C Reynolds MW+IR Daily 1/4° SSTblend: 0.0 ± 0.6°C ODYSSEA MW+IR Daily 1/10° SSTfnd: 0.1 ± 0.5°C GAMSSA Daily 1/4° SSTfnd: 0.0 ± 0.4°C RAMSSA MW+IR Daily 1/12° SSTfnd: 0.0 ± 0.4°C OSTIA MW+IR Daily 1/20° SSTfnd: 0.0 ± 0.4°C
Western Pacific Tropical Warm Pool Diurnal Variability Study Proposed area of study: 30°S to 5°N, 95°E to 170°E By June 2009 assemble following data sets to test GHRSST-PP DVWG diurnal variation models in the region – IMOS ship SSTdepth – BoM NWP LAPS model 0.125° surface winds, insolation, net heat flux (55°S to 4.875°N, 95°E to °E) – BoM RAMSSA 0.083° SSTfnd – MTSAT-1R SSTskin hourly L3P gridded to 0.05° – Meteo-France METOP-A SST1m single swath L3P gridded to 0.05°
Future GHRSST Products BoM aims to provide to GHRSST: Dec 2008: Operational daily, 25 km, GAMSSA global SSTfnd L4 Dec 2008: RT operational, HRPT AVHRR SST1m L2P and L3P Dec 2009: Trial, HRPT AVHRR SSTskin L2P June 2009: Operational daily, 5 – 9 km, RAMSSA regional SSTfnd L4 – Using all L2P from MTSAT-1R, AATSR, AVHRR, AMSR-E, MODIS?, TMI? June 2009: NRT Ship SST from vessels (eventually 11 – 14) June 2010: Trial 6-hourly (or hourly), 5 – 9 km, regional SSTskin L4 Dec 2010: Reprocessed HRPT AVHRR SST1m L2P and L3P back to ~1990
Dr Helen Beggs, Ocean Prediction Group, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, Bureau of Meteorology, 700 Collins St, Melbourne.
Planned Method for BLUElink-II global and regional SST analysis system
BoM AVHRR L3P ReefTemp: Improved SST for Coral Bleaching Prediction (Jeff Maynard)