MRM-2014 North East Chapter Kaushik Dutta
North East India-A Glance Source:
North East India- A Glance Comprises of 8 States of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura & Sikkim. The NER covers 2.62 lakh which accounts for 7.9% of total geographical area of the country. The population of NER is 39 million (3.8% of all India, 2001 census). NER region shares 2% of the border with mainland of the Country and 98% is linked with the International border.(Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar & China.
…continued The NER is bountifully endowed with bio-diversity, hydro-potential, oil and gas, coal, limestone and other minerals. Forest resources include rubber, cane and bamboo timber, hardwood, medicinal plants and herbs. Tea and Petroleum are the two major industries which is playing a vital role in NER’s economy. The other medium and small sector industries include cement, paper, jute, plywood, handlooms and handicrafts.
Comparative Analysis (till 31 st Oct) Number of Domestic Events77 Membership147 Renewal3 Revenue from RCMC Expenditure on Domestic Events
Calendar of Events Organised DateTopicVenue Workshop on Export DocumentationGuwahati Interactive Session with the Supt of Customs, Guwahati Guwahati Interactive Session with Mr. Cesare Bieller, Consul General of Italy, Guwahati Workshop on Export DocumentationGuwahati Workshop on Promoting Retail Exports through E-Com (eBay/PayPal) Guwahati Interactive Session with the Supt of Customs Guwahati Workshop on Export DocumentationGuwahati
Proposed Events MonthTopicPlace November 2014Workshop on Export Procedures and Documentations (with EXIM Bank & Industry Department) Manipur(Imphal) December 2014Workshop on Export Procedures and Documentations (with EXIM Bank & Industry Department) Agartala (Tripura) December 2014Workshop on Export Schemes and benefits for small exporters Guwahati January 2015Workshop on Export Procedures and Documentations (with EXIM Bank & Industry Department) Meghalaya( Shillong)
…continued MonthTopicPlace February 2015Workshop on Export Procedures and Documentations (with EXIM Bank & Industry Department) Nagaland(Dimapur) February 2015Workshop on Letter of CreditGuwahati March 2015Workshop on Export Procedures and Documentations (with EXIM Bank & Industry Department) Mizoram(Aizwal) March 2015Interactive Session with officials from DGFT, Guwahati Guwahati
Issues faced by Exporters INLAND CONTAINER DEPOT (ICD)- There is no option for the smaller exporters to ship their consignment in smaller containers from Amingaon ICD. Hence exporters have to send their consignment by road ways to Kolkata for shipment which incurs a huge cost. INSUFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE IN AIRPORTS- The airports are not equipped with proper storage facilities for the perishable items. COLLATION OF EXPORT IMORT DATA- Since most of the Export and Import of the region takes place via Kolkata, it becomes difficult to exactly analyse the Volume of Export and Import that is happening from the region. KNOWLEDGE UPGRADATION- Barring a few most of the Exporters in the region lacks the basic knowledge of export procedures and the various incentives of the Government. LACK OF COMPETITIVE EXPORT INFRASTRUCTURE- There is lack of export infrastructure such as international standard packaging units, common testing and certification centres etc. in the region.
Strategies adopted for increasing Membership IEC holders list is being collected from JDgft, Guwahati and followed up on a regular basis. Existing member referral service is being used to enrol new members of their exporting community. Efforts are on to establish state level exporters forums where exporters will get a platform to share their ideas and in turn market FIEO’s brand. Handholding the new exporters in getting IEC and enrol as a member.
Thank You