Manifest Destiny 2.2-Explain how the Monroe Doctrine and the concept of Manifest Destiny affected United States’ relationships with foreign powers, including the role of the United States in the Texan Revolution and the Mexican War
The Monroe Doctrine President Monroe decides America needs to look after itself. ***Monroe Doctrine- (helped launch idea of Manifest Destiny) –1. U.S. would not get involved in European affairs –2. U.S. recognizes colonies in the Western Hemisphere –3. U.S. won’t permit any further colonization –4. U.S. would view any attempt at colonization as a hostile action
The Monroe Doctrine
What does it mean? ***Nationalism- Pride in one’s country ***Manifest Destiny- Belief that it was the U.S. destiny to own land from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean The Developing American Character- Manifest Destiny and westward movement helped promote individualism and democracy and help expand the expansion of the vote and the rise of the common man.
Manifest Destiny
The Missouri Compromise Do we allow slavery to move west? The country is becoming more and more divided over slavery. Missouri territory is ready to become a state, but will it be slave or free. At this time the Senate has the same number of slave state Senators as free state senators. What to do? ***Missouri Compromise- Idea to allow Missouri in as a slave state, and Maine in as a free state to keep a balance between slave/free states! Also, Degrees N would be the dividing line for future states being free or slave
Texas: Independence and Annexation Mexico became its own country in 1821, with parts of Texas a part of its territory **Stephen Austin took a group of people and formed a settlement in Texas. They wanted to take their slaves with them. **General Santa Anna runs a dictatorship and would not allow slavery in the territory **Sam Houston refuses this and starts a rebellion Santa Anna responds by invading Texas ***The Alamo becomes a famous battle and later in the war Texans go into battle yelling, “remember the Alamo” (Mexicans defeated American settlers) In the end, Texas wins and requests to be apart of the U.S. or to be annexed.
Texas becomes a state President Andrew Jackson had wanted to make Texas a state. However, northerners did not want Texas as a state because it would surely be a slave state. Also, because it was so large it could become several slave states and this would upset the balance of political power in the Senate. After several years and much political debate Texas is finally annexed in 1845 becoming a slave state.
Oregon becomes a state Oregon becomes a state In1827 Oregon is jointly held by the United States and Great Britain. In 1843 with U.S. government approval thousand of settlers moved to Oregon looking for a better life. ***President James K. Polk told Britain that the United States had the right to claim territory up to the “54-40” parallel. The British said no way. ***The U.S. citizens wanted to fight and adopted the slogan “54-40” or fight. The British wanted to stay friendly with the U.S. decided to give up the territory rather than fight a war.
War with Mexico When the U.S. annexed Texas this angered the Mexican government. However, President Polk believed in Manifest Destiny and sent John Slidell to negotiate to buy California and New Mexico. The Mexicans say no and kick Slidell out of Mexico. Polk orders Zachary Taylor to send troops to the Rio Grande River into territory that is disputed. The Mexicans attack and the war starts. The War is an easy victory for the United States Mexicans sign the ***Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo on February 2, 1848 which gave California and New Mexico to the U.S. (***Known as the MEXICAN CESSION)
The Gadsden Purchase Although the war gave the U.S. the two states the border was still in dispute. Many southerners wanted the transcontinental railroad to go through the south. President Franklin Pierce sent James Gadsden to settle the problem and the result was the Gadsden Purchase which gave the United States parts of present day New Mexico and Arizona. (The United States now owns all the territory that is the U.S. today.)
California becomes a state In 1848 gold was discovered north of Sacramento, California People flooded to California hoping to strike it rich. (Few did) The rapid growth quickly caused the need for a stable government and Congress began debating statehood. The issue of slavery again caused problems, but California was admitted as a free state after a deal was made called the ***Compromise of (violated the Missouri Compromise because some of CA fell below the line) California became a state on September 9, 1850.
EOC Sample Questions: 1. The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 is best summarized by which of the following statements? A. The US would not permit the continuance of the African slave trade B. The US would feel free to intervene in any case where a democratic nation was threatened by a non- democratic one C. The US would not allow the creation of any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere, although it would not interfere with existing ones. D. The US would insist that all nations be given equal access to markets in the Far East.