Renewal, Modernization and Optimization of Air-quality Monitoring in Lithuania Geneva, JUOZAS MOLIS Head of Automatic Measurement Systems Department
Objectives of Modernization and Optimization 1. Institutional setting 2. Policy harmonization 3. Measurement effectiveness 4. Information system development
1. Institutional setting Many different organizations and institutions was responsible for monitoring and providing information on the concentrations of pollutants in the air Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency of the Ministry of Environment is the main responsible institution for the coordination of national ambient air quality assessment and management systems Ministry of Health is the main responsible institution for the coordination indoor air quality assessment and management systems Ministry of Health is the main responsible institution for the coordination indoor air quality assessment and management systems Hydro-meteorological service is supporting institution Hydro-meteorological service is supporting institution
2. Policy harmonization Legal acts which was common in former USSR countries All national legal acts harmonized taken into account objectives, priorities and targets related to national targets and relevant international commitments
The main Lithuanian legal acts Environmental Monitoring Law (1997)Environmental Monitoring Law (1997) Ambient Air Protection Law (1999)Ambient Air Protection Law (1999) Common Orders of MoE & MoH on:Common Orders of MoE & MoH on: “Affirmation of List of Zones and Agglomerations for Assessment and Management of Ambient Air Quality” (2000) “Designation of Ambient Air Pollution Norms” (2001) “Affirmation of the Ambient Air Quality Assessment Programme” (2003) “Provision of the Information on the Ambient Air Pollution Levels Exceeding the Alert or Information Thresholds to the Public and Concerned Institutions” (2005)
3. Measurement effectiveness Manual sampling methods in 23 air monitoring stations in 10 cities was operated till the year automatic ambient air monitoring network stations in 9 cities and 3 rural background stations running under the EU Directive requirements and EMEP Monitoring strategy and measurement program.
Air quality monitoring networks
State ambient air monitoring program for the year 2007 Components VILNIUS KAUN AS KĖD AI- NIAI JO NA- VA KLAIPĖDA ŠIA U- LIA I N. AK - M EN Ė MAŽ EI KIAI PANE- VĖŽYS Senamiesti s Lazdy nai Žirmū nai Savanorių pr Petraši ūnai Centr as Šilutės pl PARTICULATE MATTER (PM 10 ), μg/m PARTICULATE MATTER (PM 2,5 ), μg/m SULPHUR DIOXIDE, μg/m NITROGEN DIOXIDE, μg/m NITROGEN MONOXIDE, μg/m OXIDES OF NITROGEN Azoto oksidai, μg/m CARBON MONOXIDE, mg/m OZONE, μg/m PAH (BENZENE), μg/m HEAVY METALS FROM TSP, μg/m 3******* BENZO(A)PYRENE FROM TSP, μg/m 3******* HEAVY METALS FROM PM 10, μg/m 3** BENZO(A)PYRENE FROM PM 10, μg/m METEOROLOGICAL PARAMTERS TRAFFIC COUNTER/CLASIFIER, units
Measurement effectiveness New pavilions Nice environment conditions
4. Information system development Limited possibilities of information access Created a new national air-quality information system, based on emission inventory, air quality monitoring and modeling data, dedicated for comprehensive air quality assessment, reporting, public information and warning.
Information system development
Conclusions After modernization and optimization Lithuanian air-quality monitoring system became an integral part of international air- quality assessment and management systems After modernization and optimization Lithuanian air-quality monitoring system became an integral part of international air- quality assessment and management systems Close co-operation between the different institutions and bodies in the national and international level is very important Close co-operation between the different institutions and bodies in the national and international level is very important
Conclusions Clear institutional setting and capacity building accelerate progress on air-quality assessment and management Clear institutional setting and capacity building accelerate progress on air-quality assessment and management Monitoring program must be a practical tool related to air-quality policy development and assessing progress achieving policy target Monitoring program must be a practical tool related to air-quality policy development and assessing progress achieving policy target Wide access to environmental information and enhancement of international comparability is necessary Wide access to environmental information and enhancement of international comparability is necessary
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EU requirements