Drugs acting on Nervous System


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Presentation transcript:

Drugs acting on Nervous System Opium PH103.34

Recap In the last class we learnt about The CNS Plant drug EPHEDRA Ephedra contains Amino alkaloids Having Sympathomimetic activity PH103.34

Objectives On completion of this period you would be able to learn about The monograph of the CNS Drug OPIUM PH103.34

Known to Unknown Have you seen “Nalla Mandu”? In the good old days people used in Diarrhoea. What is the name of it? Monks usually what they smoke? What are the seeds of Opium ?. Name them? PH103.34

Poppy Fields Fig.34.1 PH103.34

OPIUM Syn: Nallamandu (Telugu) Biological Source : Air dried milky exudate from the unripe capsules of Papaver somniferum Family : Papaveraceae Geographical Source : Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Russia, China, Iran In India grown in M.P. & U.P. Fig.34.2 Poppy capsules PH103.34

Flowering Opium Fields Fig.34.3 Opium field PH103.34

Cultivation Collection and Preparation Seeds are sown during the sunny days from September to April A distance of 25cm is kept between plants Best climatic conditions are cool weather without freezing temp. and cloudiness and sunshine PH103.34

Collection of Opium Fig.34.4 Collection of Opium PH103.34

Incising The Poppy Capsules With Nushturs Fig.34.5 Incising poppy capsules PH103.34

Cultivation Collection & Preparation Flowering occurs during April-May Unripe capsules green or yellow colour longitudinally incised with spikes called NUSHTURS during June-July in the afternoons The exuded latex is scrapped off with a knife in the morning PH103.34

Morphological Characters LATEX Shape : Rounded, flattened masses Colour : Externally pale olive or olive grey Odour : Characteristic odour Taste : Bitter Consistency : Quite elastic when fresh, becomes tough, hard and brittle on storage Fig.34.6 Incised Poppy capsule PH103.34

Chemical Constituents Contains 30 different alkaloids found mostly as the salts Meconic acid and a few with Sulphuric acids Alkaloids present in Opium can be divided mainly into 2 groups depending on the Amino acid from which they are derived 1. Alkaloids containing Phenanthrene nucleus 2. Alkaloids containing Benzylisoquinoline ring structure PH103.34

Chemical Constituents PHENANTHRENE ALKALOIDS Morphine (4-21%) Codeine (0.8-2.5%) Thebaine (0.5-2%) BENZYLISOQUINOLINE ALKALOIDS Papaverine Noscapine (4-8%) Other alkaloids: Narceine, Cotarnine, Hydrocotarnine, Protopine, Lauetanine, Codamine PH103.34

Chemical Tests 1. Opium is tested for the presence of Meconic acid Opium dissolved in water Filtrate + FeCl3 Reddish purple colour 2. Morphine + Conc. H2SO4 + HCH0 Dark violet colour PH103.34

3. Morphine solution + Potassium Ferricynide + FeCl3 Chemical Tests 3. Morphine solution + Potassium Ferricynide + FeCl3 Bluish green colour 4. Papaverine solution + HCl + Potassium Ferricyanide Lemon yellow colour PH103.34

Uses Shows CNS depressant action Used as Narcotic Analgesic, Hypnotic Checks excessive peristalsis and is used in the control of Diarrhoea Source of various useful alkaloids like Morphine, Codeine, Noscapine, Papaverine PH103.34

Uses Morphine is used as Narcotic analgesic, cause euphoria and habit forming Codeine is used as a Sedative, used in cough mixtures as Anti-tussive agent Noscapine is used as Non-narcotic, has cough suppressant action, acting as a Central anti-tussive agent PH103.34

Uses Papaverine is used as Smooth muscle relaxant and used in the treatment of Muscular spasms. Several semi-synthetic molecules of Opium alkaloids are available Heroin has more Narcotic analgesic action than Morphine By losing one molecule of water Morphine gives Apomorphine which Emetic and used to treat poisoning cases PH103.34

Summary In this class we learnt about The CNS drug – OPIUM Opium contains many Phenanthrene and Benzyl isoquinoline alkaloids Opium alkaloids mainly show CNS depressant activity PH103.34

Quiz 1. Opium contains a) Phenanthrene alkaloids b) Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids c) Both d) None of the above PH103.34

Quiz 2. Which of the Opium products is Non-narcotic? a) Morphine b) Codeine c) Heroin d) Noscapine PH103.34

Frequently Asked Questions 1. Write about the Collection and cultivation of opium 2. Write the Botanical Source and Morphological characters of Opium 3. Mention the Opium alkaloids and their Uses PH103.34