Historical appearance: 1. s it known when your medium first appeared in history and what it looked like? 2. Why did it appear at this time? 3. What medium or technology does it supersede or displace? 4. What advantages does the new way have over the old? 5. Which new or different (level of) skills are required? Historical content: 6. How does the new medium relate to changes in content (iconography) and what was its social impact? Historical context: 7. For what purposes and in whose interests was the new medium promoted? 8. Who gave the commission and how was it paid for? 9. Were the necessary materials easily available? Can it be known who paid for them (e.g., artist, patron)? 10. Were the materials expensive? Did they require local development (e.g., mining) or importation? 11. How did the new medium function in its social, political, and cultural context? 12. Did its appearance relate to other observable social changes? Early Xian Early Medieval Romanesque Gothic
Painted figure of a peasant, from the Lady Chapel of Ely Cathedral c The making of stained-glass windows has hardly changed since the 12th century. A stained-glass window consists of pieces of coloured glass held together in a latticed web of lead. The glass has previously had details of faces, hands and drapery painted and fired on to it in black or brown paint. About the year 1300, yellow stain was discovered, This had the ability to turn white glass yellow or blue glass green, and was extremely useful in the highlighting of hair, haloes and crowns.