Open Access Buffet TeachTechFest 2014 Amanda Gorrell, Northwest Vista College
WIIFM’s What’s In It For Me? After today’s session you will: Have a general understanding of Open Access (OA). Learn about resources that are available to you and your students. Understand how to look for credible Open Access resources. What to think about if you want to publish Open Access.
What is Open Access?
Open Access (OA) “…free, immediate, online availability of research articles, coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in a digital environment.” (SPARC) “Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.” (Peter Subar) “…stands for unrestricted access and unrestricted use.” (PLOS)
Open Education Resources (OER) “Any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt and re-share them.” (UNESCO) Open Source (or Open Software) “ that can be freely used, changed, and shared by anyone.” (OSI) Can also be designs for a product.
Creative Commons Attribution Licenses CC = Creative Commons BY=Attribution SA = Share Alike ND = No Derivatives NC=Non-Commercial
Open Access Publishing Models Gold Open AccessGreen Open Access “author-pay” model. Author or institution pays the OA journal a fee can range from $400 - $5,000 dollars. Articles are published in an OA Journal. Articles are immediately accessible. OA Journals conduct peer-review. Author rights can vary according to agreement with the journal “self-archive” model Author unusually does not have to pay a fee. Articles are stored and disseminated from online repository. Articles may not be immediately accessible. Articles can be peer-reviewed, however the repository usually is not responsible for conducting the peer-review.
I’m so happy. I think I’m going to cry The Good
Finding Open Access Resources To Get You Started
Academic Journal Articles Open Access information: Health and Science. U.S. National Library of Medicine Medline Plus, National Center for Biotechnology Information and PubMed Central. PubMed Central Public Library of Science Scientific disciplines Several Journals including PLOS One, PLOS Biology, PLOS Computational Biology, etc.
Other Resources Colleagues o Academic gossip! Alamo College LibrariansLibrarians o Guides, books, databases, etc. (and more academic gossip!) Organizations that promote OA or OS o Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Professional Organizations o Association of College & Research Libraries o American Anthropological Association Publishers o Elsevier Elsevier
The Bad OMG! Kill it with fire!
o Solicit submissions with spam s or phone calls. o Flat out lie about who has served as a peer-reviewer or on their editorial board. Predatory, Un-Professional and Dubious Publishers o Little to no information about their business model, publishing model or peer-review guidelines are made available. o Unprofessional website – grammatical errors. o Intentionally try to pass themselves off as being associated with a well established publisher, conference or organization when they are not. o Background check reveals complaints against the publisher. Shady business practices (just to name a few):
Seems Legit….
What about now?
Before you sign on the dotted line your first question should be: “What rights am I about to give away?” Publishing Open Access What about my rights as an author? Scenarios: What if I publish my article with an OA journal, but the journal goes out of business? What happens to my article? What if I publish my article under the traditional model with one journal, but want to publish the same article under an OA model with another journal or in my institutions own repository?
Q & A The only thing left to eat is this cat food. Wait. Didn’t I see some lobster earlier? Umm…nope.
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