Post War Life Europe is in Ruins!!!! 40 million Europeans were killed, many more displaced (have no home) called refugees. Bombs and fighting had destroyed many of Europe’s greatest cities- London, England- Warsaw, Poland- Berlin, Germany- Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow, Russia- Cities were without sewer, electricity, running water, transportation systems Homes and businesses completely destroyed, no where to live, or work and get paid, very little food and no money to pay for it. Governments have fallen in Germany, Italy, France, and Poland. Pre-war govt. no longer trusted. –Communism promises a new way of life and gains popularity
Nuremburg trials The world puts the Nazis leaders on trial for the atrocities of the Holocaust. Claiming crimes against humanity for their vicious acts. 3 killed themselves before being captured (including Hitler) 22 were put on trial 12 sentenced to death (1 committed suicide before the hanging) hung and cremated in the ovens of a concentration camp
Defeat in Japan 2 million killed most major cities destroyed lost colonial holdings demilitarization- disbanding Japanese military, left only small police force trial for war crimes- related to treatment of prisoners- 6 put to death created new parliamentary democracy –Emperor lost almost all power and declare himself not godlike –drafted a constitution –increased workers participation in govt –forced large landowners to sell property to workers for reasonable amount, labor unions no longer illegal occupation lasted 6 months Japan accepted continued U.S. military protection and we became Allies Japanese economy began to recover
The Cold War a state of diplomatic hostility between the two super powers- The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Conflict begins even during the war –U.S. upset that Soviet sign pact with Germany –Soviets blame U.S. for taking so long to invade Europe Feb. 1945Yalta Conference Great Britain, U.S. and Soviets (Russia) meet to discuss post war world- divide Germany into zones of occupation. Germany is to pay Soviets for loss of life and property. Eastern Europe is promised to have free elections. Russia joins war against Japan.
1945 United Nations is created 50 countries join international organization protect members from aggression peace keeping body Each country sends representatives to meet with the General Assembly the real power lies with the 11 member Security Council, originally included U.S. Great Britain, China, Russia, France Stalin creates a buffer zone between the western Europe and Russia by putting in communist govts. friendly to the (often controlled by) U.S.S.R –Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, eastern Germany and Yugoslavia. U.S.- pres Truman, demand free elections of Eastern Europe, Soviets refused, Speech- Communism and Capitalism cant co-exist, war was inevitable. Iron Curtain represents division between democratic western Europe and communist eastern Europe.
1946 President Truman adopts the Containment Policy and the Truman Doctrine– to prevent the spread of communism, helping weak countries fight it off 1947 The Marshall Plan- giving food, supplies and money to struggling countries in Europe so that they can rebuild Berlin Airlift- Western countries leave Germany and let it re-unify. Soviets object and cut off supply routes to western Berlin, leaving the city to starve in hopes they would surrender to the Soviets. Allied planes brought in all needed supplies to Berlin for 11 months and finally the Soviets gave up and left western Berlin.
The Cold War splits the world into rival camps NATO is formed- North Atlantic Treaty Organization- 10 western European nations, the U.S. and Canada- to protect each other against the U.S.S.R.- They then create their own alliance Warsaw Pact -with Eastern European countries. The Nuclear Race Begins- Both countries began to build nuclear bombs bigger and more destructive and airplanes to carry them. They each show their power by test explosions and threaten to use them against each other. The Space Race- Each country wanted to prove their technological superiority and so began sending rockets and then men into space to explore. They also began to pour money into education to an effort to prove our superiority.