Your Junior Year Class of 2017 Mrs. Baer your counselor!!
Welcome Tons to cover!!!! I need your full attention!!! Or we’ll be here forever…
The Counseling Department Mrs. Shaul 10th Ms Henicle Ms Raudabaugh 12th Mrs. Baer 11th Mrs. Caiati Mr. Crist 9th We are located on B and C level
Credit Requirements 4 Cr. of English 4/3 Cr. of Math (Career Tech) 4 or 3 Cr. of Social Studies 4 or 3 Cr. of Science 1.5 Cr. of Physical Education 4 or 4.5 Cr. of Electives 1 Cr. of Computer Applications.5 Cr. of Health 9.5 Cr. Career Prep or 1.0 World Lang..5 Cr. 21 st Century Communication 23.5
Credit Requirements At the end of the year you need 16.5 credits to be on track to Graduate with the Class of 2017
YOUR TRANSCRIPT What do you look like on paper?
This is what colleges and employers see…
Other Graduation Requirements Research Paper Research Paper Keystones – Proficient or Advanced Keystones – Proficient or Advanced Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Literature Literature Biology Biology
A word from Administration… Don’t miss these opportunities because you didn’t listen: Don’t miss these opportunities because you didn’t listen: Senior Privilege Senior Privilege Work Experience Work Experience Educational Internships Educational Internships ETC ETC Parking Permits Parking Permits * Most of these require an application and advance planning!!!
POSTSECONDARY PLANNING aka: Life After High School
Things you may need and what we do to help you!!! College? College? Technical School Technical School 2-year College 2-year College 4-year College 4-year College Military? Military? Work? Work? A combination of the above? A combination of the above? Not sure? Not sure?
Technical Schools What areas interest you? Contact schools to learn how to apply! (in person or online) Shadow a CT shop to see if the work interests you.
Take the ASVAB – Nov 18 th Sign up in the Counseling Office Talk to recruiters Talk to those who are in that branch Military Careers book in resource room
Colleges who visited us last year – they come to us!!! Hagerstown Community College Wilson College United States Naval Academy Coppin State Univ. Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School Penn State Harrisburg Area Community College Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Swarthmore College Widener University Shippensburg University Juniata University Shenandoah University University of Pittsburgh St. Francis University King’s College Frostburg University Slippery Rock University Robert Morris University Duquesne University Mount Aloysius College Shepherd University Washington and Jefferson College Grove City Lockhaven University West Virginia State University Lebanon Valley College Westminster College Messiah College Dickinson College Bridgewater College Empire Beauty School Eastern University Lycoming College Albright College Hiram G Andrews Center 11 were here in the month of September (this year) alone!!! Listen to announcements, check the website and the portal!!!
COLLEGE NIGHTS Hagerstown Community College Hagerstown Community College (in the Athletic, Recreation, and Community Center ARCC) Wednesday, October 16 6:00 – 8:00pm Chambersburg Area SR. HS - gym Chambersburg Area SR. HS - gym Wednesday, October 21 6pm- 7:30pm both events host over 100 Colleges!!!
PSAT Great practice for the SAT’s Great practice for the SAT’s Qualify for the NMSQP ($) Qualify for the NMSQP ($) Wednesday, Oct. 14 7:45a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14 7:45a.m. No need to register because every junior takes it! No cost!! No need to register because every junior takes it! No cost!! Get your free study guide!! Get your free study guide!! Great college/career info available after the test Great college/career info available after the test
College Testing Have you taken the SAT ??? If not – take it this year! *WASHS Code – November 7 th & May WASHS College Codes – where do you want your scores to go? Be accurate and complete on the registration form! ACT’s – a few colleges prefer these! Check requirements/recommendations.
The NEW SATs What you will take on the PSAT What you will take on the PSAT New SAT – March 2016 New SAT – March 2016 We have SAT fee Waivers if you are on Free and Reduced lunches – just see me!!
NCAA If you are an athlete If you are an athlete If you plan on playing at a division I or II college If you plan on playing at a division I or II college You must register as a junior! You must register as a junior! athletes/future athletes/future
Paying for College Financial Aid Night January 13th at 6:30 PM How to pay for college or career school? How to apply for federal student financial aid? The three types of financial aid available.... scholarships/grants loans work study
LENFEST SCHOLARSHIP Average amount is $10,000/year Average amount is $10,000/year Application process begins in December Application process begins in December There will be an informational meeting when the applications come in There will be an informational meeting when the applications come in Listen to announcements!! Listen to announcements!!
Early to College What is it? You get a discount. Meeting for interested students Oct. 15 at 8:00am
Helpful Websites The most-est helpful is: (user name and password – wayne) *These can be found on the counseling website
LISTEN TO ANNOUNCEMENTS! Summer Programs Summer Programs Scholarships Scholarships College Visits College Visits Deadlines Deadlines Golden Opportunities Golden Opportunities
Important Dates OCT 7/8 Parent Conferences 9SAT Registration deadline for Nov. 7th SAT 14PSAT’s 21Franklin County College Night (C-burg) NOV 18ASVAB (Free): Pre-registration in Counseling Office for Juniors DEC ?PSAT results lesson aka “How to get the most out of all the free stuff you got” 6-15 Keystones JAN 13Financial Aid Night, 6:30 WASHS MAY 2-12AP Exams 16-27Keystones 27Last Day of School
Junior Questionnaire Please write in your full name Please write in your full name What are your plans after HS? What are your plans after HS? What do you need help with? What do you need help with?
Still have questions??? Stop by my office – C-level Stop by my office – C-level Schedule an appointment Schedule an appointment Tell me what you need Tell me what you need If I don’t know I will find out! If I don’t know I will find out!