Life in the West Title the page AFTER your Manifest Destiny Five W’s as “Life in the West”. In C-Note format you will take notes on seven groups who are going to move into the lands acquired by the United States. The name of the group will be your left-hand topic and the notes will go on the right. Follow the same format as you used for the Manifest Destiny Five W’s.
The Californios Who:Spanish, Mexicans, Indians, Americans What:Spanish came to California as missionaries and built missions. They treated the Indians harshly and spread diseases. Spanish-speakers were granted a rancho and cattle farming became their main industry. They had fiestas, lived in adobe houses with dirt floors. Treated the Native Americans badly. When: 1769 (Spanish), 1833 (Mexicans/Indians), 1846 (Americans) Where: California Why:Came to convert the Native Americans to Christianity, use land for farming
The Mountain Men Who:Trappers and traders What:Usually young men, most died young. Lives were filled with hazards, work was dangerous, diseases spread easily. Life was full of adventure. Traveled to trading posts to sell furs. Explored the west and their paths became the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails. Kept journals When:Began in 1807 Where:Rocky Mountains, Oregon, California Why:Searched for furs, especially beaver fur, to trade and sell for money
The Missionaries Who:Missionaries were led by the Whitman Family and the Spalding Family What:Traveled west to teach people about the Bible and convert people who were not Christians to Christianity, opened the West to settlement When:1830s and 1840s Where:Oregon Why:To convert people to Christianity How:Traveled along the Oregon Trail which stretched from Independence, Missouri, to the Columbia River in Oregon
The Pioneer Women Who:Women who traveled West What:Mostly wives and mothers, had to cook, clean, sew, take care of the men and children, deaths were high in number When: Where:Traveled West Why:Seeking land, new opportunities, single women looked for husbands How:Traveled in covered wagons on wagon trains, trip was 2,000 miles and took 4 to 6 months
The Mormons Who:Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, led by Brigham Young What:Church had been created in 1830, followed the Book of Mormon, believed in polygamy (having more than one wife), were persecuted in America because people were offended by their teachings When:1846 Where:Salt Lake City, Utah Why:Moved to create a community where they had religious freedom and could teach others about their faith
The Forty-Niners Who:Gold seekers from America, Mexico, South America, Europe, Australia, and China What:Young, almost all men, looking for gold during the Gold Rush, lived in tents in mining camps, digging for gold was hard work When:1849 Where:California Why:For gold
The Chinese Who:The Chinese What:Were poor in China, called California “Gold Mountain”, were treated badly by the Americans and many were forced to leave, created Chinatown and were famous for opening restaurants, laundries, and stores When:1848 Where:California, specifically San Francisco Why:Came to America for wealth, large houses, clothes, good salaries How:Sailed across the Pacific
Life in the West: Project Take the information you have gathered about the 7 groups that moved west. Create one of the following final products: Mosaic, poster, puzzle or foldable Must include: Title: Life in the West 10 -points label each sections with group name 10 -points at least two picture for each group 20-points label each picture 20-points Use 5 or more colors 10 points include a compass_bold west direction 10-points Legible/Neatness 10-points Name, class period and date 10-points