MANIFEST DESTINY Lands acquired by the United States
MANIFEST DESTINY The idea that the United States had the right and duty to EXPAND ACROSS THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT. The U.S. has a divine right to this land: the belief that God wanted us to own all of this land.
LOUISIANA TERRITORY Farmers used the Mississippi River to sell crops; wanted control over the port city of New Orleans to ensure business THOMAS JEFFERSON sent James Monroe to France to buy New Orleans for $7.5 million. Napoleon offered to sell the whole Louisiana Territory for $15 million…what a great deal! Monroe agreed and DOUBLED the size of the U.S!
FLORIDA Problem: Seminole Indians raided Georgia farms & slaves RAN AWAY to escape in Florida President Monroe sent ANDREW JACKSON to end raids. Instead, Jackson took over Florida completely and replaced the Spanish governor. Monroe supported Jackson and told Spain to “govern Florida properly, or GET OUT!” The U.S. gave Spain $5 million for Florida.
TEXAS Texas was part of MEXICO and was great for growing COTTON. Stephen Austin was allowed to start a small American COLONY. Soon there were more Americans living in Texas than Tejanos (Texans of Mexican descent). TENSIONS were rising! Americans were very unhappy when Mexico banned slavery in Many American settlers were going into Mexico illegally, so the Mexican government closed Texas to American immigration. Americans in Texas requested that the Mexican government allow Texas to be its own state and run its own affairs…General Antonio Lopez de SANTA ANNA angrily denied this request. Texans rose up in REVOLT!
TEXAS Santa Anna’s troops marched into San Antonio. The Texans had taken over an old mission: the ALAMO. Santa Anna raised a black flag, meaning “Expect No Mercy!” The Texans were outnumbered by 10 to 1; only 1 man fled. The Texans defended the Alamo for 12 days. Santa Anna’s army killed ALL of the Alamo’s defenders, including the Tennessee backwoodsman and congressman, Davy Crockett. The Alamo INSPIRED Texans to fight for their independence. Santa Anna followed Texan troops deeper into Texas. They met at the San Jacinto River where the Mexican troops stayed up all night waiting for an attack. When they went to sleep, Texans attacked while crying, “Remember the Alamo!” Texas won its INDEPENDENCE!
TEXAS Texas remained an INDEPENDENT coutry for 10 years. Most TEXANS were Americans who wanted Texas to be part of the U.S. In the U.S., northerners did not want to annex Texas because it allowed SLAVERY, while southerners wanted to add another slave state. Texas was ANNEXED in 1845 as the 28 th state.
OREGON Oregon was claimed by 4 nations: Great Britain, Spain, Russia & the U.S. By 1825, just GREAT BRITAIN & the U.S. had claims to Oregon. Oregon was known as a “Pioneer’s Paradise” because of its FERTILE land, which triggered “Oregon Fever” where pioneers traveled the OREGON TRAIL to settle this land. The U.S. SPLIT the Oregon Territory with Great Britain along the 49 th parallel (line of latitude)
MEXICAN CESSION Mexico was very upset when the U.S. annexed Texas. The U.S. & Mexico also argued over the BORDER in TEXAS. Mexico claimed that the Nueces River was the border, while the U.S. claimed it to be the RIO GRANDE. Mexican soldiers shot and killed American troops patrolling the Rio Grande…started the MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR! General Stephen Kearny took control of NEW MEXICO while John C. Fremont won over CALIFORNIA. General Winfield Scott’s army captured MEXICO CITY. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the U.S. HALF of Mexico’s territory. The U.S. gave Mexico $15 million.