Pop Culture in 1950s SWBAT: Describe the new attitude of the youth growing up in the 1950s. Skim pages Mass media (definition): - TV popularity (% of households with TVs): -Rock-n-roll (describe music style): -Presley (who?): -Generation gap (definition): -Beat Movement -Beatniks (aka beats- definition): -Kerouac (what is his book about?): SIN #38
Mass media Communication intended to reach a large audience. Mostly radio and movies/tv
TV popularity TVs more affordable 80% of all households have one Shows and advertisements increase Family friendly shows
Rock-n-roll Blues and jazz background Went against conservative ideas- “Devils music” Parents felt was to aggressive and loud Presley- popular rock musician, crossed over into mainstream America
Generation gap Cultural separation between kids and parents Parents (Depression) Kids (economic prosperity)
Beat movement Young teens- 20s, going against the norms of society Criticized conformity of American life Beatniks- people who participated in the beat movement, “beaten down” by American culture, unconventional lifestyle
Kerouac Author of On the Road Popular book about adventures following beatnik movement, car thief and con artist
Check GR ch 14 sec 1 #36 cont.
Guided Reading ch 14 sec 3 SIN #36 cont. back side- due tomorrow
elvis dancing- pop culture