Unit 8 WORDS to KNOW Based on and organized for use with Hampton Brown’s High Point curriculum, Basics level. Designed by Adriana T. Ibarra for the LANGUAGE ACQUISITION BRANCH LAUSD
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 Last week I saw a movie. saw saw
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 was a I was sitting in the front row. sw
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 were A lot of kids from school were there. were
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 their Some kids came with their mothers and fathers. r h ei t
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 said “Look, there’s Sofia,” I said to my dad. as d i
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 began They shut off the lights, and the movie began. e b g an
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 about b The movie was about some kids in the 1950s. t ou a
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 dance I watched them dance to old music. ance d
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 thought My dad thought the music was great. g u t o h t h
High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 again a We want to see that movie again next week. g ina
began was were their saw about dance said thought again