Statistical Modernisation Community Padraig Dalton 8 March
Introduction HLG on the Modernisation of Official Statistics continues to play a leading role in modernisation at a global level 600 people across 50 countries involved in HLG activities Major achievements - GSBPM, GSIM, GAMSO, CSPA and work on Big Data etc. November HLG each year establishes priorities for the year ahead – driven by the partners Collaboration of the willing
HLG MOS Activities Most recent HLG Workshop – November 2015 Reviewed the work of the 4 Modernisation Committees – Organisational Frameworks and Evaluation – Production and Methods – Products and Sources – Standards Focused on Governance and reporting arrangements 3
Statistical Modernisation Community Significant development - formal establishment of the Statistical Modernisation Community. Success of the HLG highlighted the need to have a framework to articulate what we do, how we work and for those that want to get involved which does not hinder the open values and flexibility needed to modernise; A new partnership open to all wishing to engage in HLG activities; Partners to the community sign a statement of intent which sets out the core values and principles for collaboration; Provides clarity for all existing and new partners;
Statement of Intent – Establishes a framework for enhanced collaboration between official statistics organisations; – Provides a basis for the development, sharing and maintenance of the joint products of the community; – Ensures an open inclusive approach to modernisation activities – While at the same time giving potential partners a sense of the level of engagement expected; – As different organisations are at different stages of maturity in terms of statistical modernisation, the community should support and be relevant to both the least and the most mature. 5
Modernisation in practice - CSO Engaging in the HLG activities even for small NSI’s like CSO adds significant value CSO modernisation agenda has been informed significantly by the HLG developments, particularly by GSBPM and GAMSO To start we identified 26 modernisation actions and a model for the whole statistical system 6
Modernisation Actions 1.Implement standardised Documentation (QMF) 2.Implement standardised Metadata (QMF) 3.Implement Process Metrics (QMF) 4.Implement CDV 5.Implement SAS Governance 6.Implement secure and standard Data Management (QMF) 7.Introduce a system of Quality reviews to ensure compliance with the Quality Management Framework once implemented (QMF) 8.Develop a formal system to check Coherence and Comparability 9.Review and integrate Data Collection Initiatives 10.Introduce staff Time Recording based on the GSBPM across surveys and projects (QMF) 11.Develop Remote Access for Researchers 11. Identify Customer Needs 12. Design and implement a Data Visualisation strategy 13. Establish Co-ordination Unit 14. Methodology Design and Implementation 15. Improve granularity of data for national purposes 16. Develop Big Data Usage 17. Administrative Data 18. Household Survey Development 19. National Accounts IT Phase II 20. Strategic Workforce Planning 21. Certification of skills and professionalisation of administrative roles 22. CPPD 23. Improve and develop registers for Business and Social 24. Engagement With Staff
Irish Statistical Model
Irish Statistical Model
GSBPM in Action
Quality Management Framework
Process Map
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