Why Should I Buy From YOU? Our ‘expertise and experience’ Our people Our location Our reputation Our quality Our pricing Our personal service Our customer care Our flexibility to customer needs Our ability to solve problems Our ‘uniqueness’
USP’s? = ‘Usual Stuff People
‘Think in 3D’
Dramatically and Demonstrably Different!
Dramatic Difference: “An unmatchable ‘bundle’ of products, services, skills, methods and practices that differentiate a business from its
‘-1D’ ‘Dramatically & Demonstrably Different’ ‘ Worse than ’ ‘As good as’ ‘ Dramatically Different ‘As bad as’ Different (‘better than’) ‘0D’‘0D’‘1D’‘1D’‘2D’‘2D’
Dramatic Difference: Things Your Competitors aren’t Things Your Competitors CAN’T DO!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’...
3D Demonstrated!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’... Spot The Gap! Find A
3D Demonstrated!
“Most of my friends at university were non-Muslims, and when we did a weekly food shop together their trolleys were full of really tasty-looking ready meals, and all I could buy were things like cheese and onion pasties. It was really frustrating, and I used to whinge a lot that I was missing out. I thought, why wasn’t anyone making halal ready meals, other than the odd curry?” Shazia 3D Demonstrated!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’... Solve Problems! Anticipate And Spot
3D Demonstrated!
@andyhanselman 3D Demonstrated!
@andyhanselman 3D Demonstrated!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’... Break The Rules! Set The
If this house were a person she’d be dressed in Chanel and not wearing knickers.... “Character-forming country cottage currently undergoing a bit of a makeover which will eventually drag it from the turn of the century up to somewhere around the 1950s....” “Two bedroom and terrace house with all the charm and poise of a vicar on crack. Hall, cloak room, sitting room, kitchen, bathroom, parking and rear courtyard kitchen – would suit a midget on a 3D Demonstrated!
“We are all about convenience and being a dog-friendly bank is part of this. Bring your dog in when you next visit – we’d love to meet them!” 3D Demonstrated!
“There’s a perception that we’re a bunch of kids running round doing loans. We’ve actually helped 15,000 companies raise loans of more than £1.1 Billion. We’re the third biggest net lender to small businesses but we feel better when people are treating us as underdogs” 3D Demonstrated!
“ There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane” “Your bags will be available on carrousel x. If you do not find them, they will be available in 2-3 weeks on eBay” “ In order to enhance the appearance of your flight crew, we will be dimming the cabin lights” 3D Demonstrated!
Your ‘Dramatic Difference’ Is Only Any Good If Want it! Are willing to pay (more) for it! Can recognise
“We entrust every single Ritz-Carlton staff member, without approval from their general manager, to spend up to $2,000 on a guest. And that's not per year. It's per incident” Simon F Cooper, President Ritz Carlton
Dramatic Difference ? What is your... How do you... Demonstrate it
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