1 The United States of America Constitution 1 st Union of States
2 The 1st Union of States Alexander Hamilton Hurricane in St. Croix in West Indies Wrote of experience & damage Local newspaper published his writings Plantation owners thought he should go to school Sent him to America to Columbia College in NYC
3 From Aide to Legislator EducationEducation was delayed ServedServed as aide & secretary to George Washington During the War of Independence
4 After the War Practiced law in New York 1782 served a term in Congress Didn’t think Central Government Was strong enough so he did not serve another term
5 Articles of Confederation Richard Henry Lee Introduced resolution for independence which led to our Declaration of Independence
6 Richard Henry Lee Wanted a Confederation A loose union of independent states organized to take action on a few matters
7 November 1777 Articles of Confederation ListedListed Powers of the Central Government and powers of the states DelaysDelays in approval of laws SomeSome states felt they should be able to run their own states separately
8 November 1777 Articles of Confederation StatesStates feared limited powers AllowedAllowed central government control of land west of the Appalacian Mountains
9 Western Land Claims AllAll sates had to agree to the terms of the Articles of Confederation MarylandMaryland reluctant to agree NewNew York & Virginia gave up lands west of Appalacian Mountains
10 Western Land Claims OtherOther states agreed to give up lands RatifiedRatified in 1781
11 Details of the Articles of Confederation EstablishedEstablished a government organized around a Congress EachEach of the 13 states had 1 vote regardless of the size or population of the state 9of 13 states had to agree for a law to pass
12 Articles of Confederation Gave Congress Power to: Declare War Make Peace Make treaties Coin Money Borrow Money Create Post Offices Admit New States Create an Army & Navy
13 Articles of Confederation Said Congress Could Not: Impose a Tax Control or Interfere with Trade Between the States No One Person in Charge
14 States Had A Fear of: Tyranny Cautious not to create a new “king” No executive to carry out laws passed by Congress
15 Problems with Articles of Confederation LackLack of leader caused much confusion NoNo one to organize states
16 Articles of Confederation First form of our National Government Created a loose friendship between the 13 colonies Enough support of each other to win the War for Independence
17 Articles of Confederation Designed to begin to govern the United States in March of 1781
18 Congress Could Not Function Properly BECAUSE No executive No power to tax No ability to regulate trade
19 Many Felt Articles of Confederation Should be REVISED!
20 Annapolis Convention of 13 states attended Met at Annapolis, Maryland Main purpose of meeting was to study trade problems Not enough representation from the colonies to make any big decisions
21 Called for another Convention May 1787 Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Meeting led by Alexander Hamilton (NY) & James Madison (VA) Purpose of Meeting To revise the Articles of Confederation
22 Confusion with the Money System storekeepers in New Jersey closed shops & would not accept any paper money CausedCaused a series of uprisings in Massachusetts
23 Confusion with the Money System FarmersFarmers could NOT pay their taxes due to hard times FarmsFarms were seized FarmersFarmers rebelled
24 Daniel Shay Veteran of Revolutionary War Led rebellion of farmers Refused to let courts take land away Because of lack of tax money
25 Congress Weak GreatGreat Britain (England) refused to enact trade treaties Britain kept their soldiers in the Colonies
26 Congress Weak SpainSpain denied the colonies the right to ship through New Orleans TheThe Colonies had trouble gaining respect as a new country
27 Accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation Held the colonies together for 6 years after The War of Independence
28 Northwest Ordinance 1787 Most lasting accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation Set up a system for governing the Northwest Territory Divided the Northwest Territory into 3-5 portions Made new states
29 Northwest Ordinance 1787 Granted public support for the area Education was made possible Trial by jury began Freedom of Worship Any state formed would have equal rights as any existing state