Oct 8 Period 1 Grade study guide (be honest) and turn in TOC to Mrs. Perez Test unit 3 multiple choice. Collect tests Write essay using your outlines–take it home and type it and it to me (14 pt font, double spaced) Homework – read 4.1 and type essay – I must receive essay in my box by Monday morning 10:00 a.m.
Oct 8 Period 5 Grade Study guide (be honest) and turn TOC into Mrs. Perez for a grade On the next page of your CB, write “test” – this is where you will glue your test after it is graded and passed back to you. Test unit 3 multiple choice – you have 30 minutes – if you don’t finish, you must come back during 7 th period and finish unless Mrs. Perez lets you come at lunch Collect tests after 30 minutes Complete activities on power point – as much as you and Mrs. Perez can get to
Oct 9 Period 2, 4, 6 Grade Study guide (be honest) and turn TOC into Mrs. Perez for a grade On the next page of your CB, write “test” – this is where you will glue your test after it is graded and passed back to you. Test unit 3 multiple choice – you have 30 minutes – if you don’t finish, you must come back during 7 th period and finish (or finish in Mrs. Clarke’s classroom during 7 th period) unless Mrs. Perez lets you come at lunch Collect tests after 30 minutes Complete activities on power point – as much as you and Mrs. Perez can get to
b/w – make a title: Our New Government Wish List Brainstorm and make a table list on the scratch paper on your desk – don’t need to turn this in Imagine: You are a citizen of the newly formed United States of America. Your country has just won a war against Great Britain. You no longer have to listen to a king or his army. However, you know that your new country needs some sort of government to keep order. 1) What are some things you would like to see in your new government? 2) What are some things you definitely do not want to see in your new government? Things We WantThings We Do Not Want
Ch. 4.1 – Forming a New Government Main Idea: The new U.S. wrote the Articles of Confederation as their first form of government.
Ideas about Government Draw a bubble map like this on your paper Read pages From where did the Americans get ideas for their new government? Fill in the blank bubbles with the answers Answer this question in a complete sentence: What do all of these documents have in common? US Government
Ideas about Government Draw a bubble map like this on your paper Read pages From where did the Americans get ideas for their new government? Fill in the blank bubbles with the answers Answer this question in a complete sentence: What do all of these documents have in common? US Government Connecticut Constitution Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom English Bill of Rights Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Connecticut’s Constitution and the Virginia Statute for Religious freedom have something in common. They all _____________________ ____________________________________.
The Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Connecticut’s Constitution and the Virginia Statute for Religious freedom have something in common. They all stress that the people should have a voice in how they are governed.
Discuss: Look at the picture on page 115. Read the caption. Why do you think women were not allowed to vote? Why do you think black people were not allowed to vote?
Articles of Confederation Temporary Fix 2.Under the Articles of Confederation, what were the powers of the state governments? 3.Under the Articles of Confederation, what were the powers of the national government? 4.What was the single branch of government under the Articles of Confederation? 5.Name the two key things that the US government was missing under the Articles of Confederation. Discuss: How could these missing things in the government pose a problem to the country?
Articles of Confederation Temporary Fix 2.States had the power to refuse to pay taxes, refuse to provide soldiers for the army, and each state had one vote in Congress 3.National government’s powers were limited. They had the power to settle conflicts, make coins, borrow money, make treaties with other countries but they could only ask for taxes and soldiers 4.Congress was the single branch of the government under the AOC 5.Two things missing – a president and a national court system
Northwest Territory 6.What was the purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785? 7.How were public lands in the west divided by this Ordinance? 8.Define the Northwest Ordinance and explain why its purpose.
Northwest Territory 6.The purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785 was to divide the western land into townships to be given to veterans or sold to the public. 7.The public lands were divided into townships which were 36 square miles in size. Each township was then divided into 36 lots which were 640 acres each. 8.The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the Northwest Territory which included Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. The purpose of the NW Ordinance of 1787 was to form a political system in these lands.
October 12 period 1 Power Point 4.1 questions – finish for homework
Oct 12 per 5 Start where you left off last time Finish 4.1 questions (you probably didn’t finish last class) Worksheet if you have time : Chapter Resource File page 1 “Vocabulary Builder Section One” or page 21 “The Northwest Territory”
Oct 13 per 2, 4, 6 Start where you left off last time Finish 4.1 questions (you probably didn’t finish last class) Worksheet if you have time : Chapter Resource File page 1 “Vocabulary Builder Section One” or page 21 “The Northwest Territory”
b/w – make a title: Our New Government Wish List Brainstorm and make a table list on the scratch paper on your desk – don’t need to turn this in Imagine: You are a citizen of the newly formed United States of America. Your country has just won a war against Great Britain. You no longer have to listen to a king or his army. However, you know that your new country needs some sort of government to keep order. 1) What are some things you would like to see in your new government? 2) What are some things you definitely do not want to see in your new government? Things We WantThings We Do Not Want
Ch. 4.1 – Forming a New Government Main Idea: The new U.S. wrote the Articles of Confederation as their first form of government.
Ideas about Government Draw a bubble map like this on your paper Read pages From where did the Americans get ideas for their new government? Fill in the blank bubbles with the answers Answer this question in a complete sentence: What do all of these documents have in common? US Government
Ideas about Government Draw a bubble map like this on your paper Read pages From where did the Americans get ideas for their new government? Fill in the blank bubbles with the answers Answer this question in a complete sentence: What do all of these documents have in common? US Government Connecticut Constitution Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom English Bill of Rights Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Connecticut’s Constitution and the Virginia Statute for Religious freedom have something in common. They all _____________________ ____________________________________.
The Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Connecticut’s Constitution and the Virginia Statute for Religious freedom have something in common. They all stress that the people should have a voice in how they are governed.
Discuss: Look at the picture on page 115. Read the caption. Why do you think women were not allowed to vote? Why do you think black people were not allowed to vote?
Articles of Confederation Temporary Fix 2.Under the Articles of Confederation, what were the powers of the state governments? 3.Under the Articles of Confederation, what were the powers of the national government? 4.What was the single branch of government under the Articles of Confederation? 5.Name the two key things that the US government was missing under the Articles of Confederation. Discuss: How could these missing things in the government pose a problem to the country?
Articles of Confederation Temporary Fix 2.States had the power to refuse to pay taxes, refuse to provide soldiers for the army, and each state had one vote in Congress 3.National government’s powers were limited. They had the power to settle conflicts, make coins, borrow money, make treaties with other countries but they could only ask for taxes and soldiers 4.Congress was the single branch of the government under the AOC 5.Two things missing – a president and a national court system
Northwest Territory 6.What was the purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785? 7.How were public lands in the west divided by this Ordinance? 8.Define the Northwest Ordinance and explain why its purpose.
Northwest Territory 6.The purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785 was to divide the western land into townships to be given to veterans or sold to the public. 7.The public lands were divided into townships which were 36 square miles in size. Each township was then divided into 36 lots which were 640 acres each. 8.The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the Northwest Territory which included Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. The purpose of the NW Ordinance of 1787 was to form a political system in these lands.