34 communities over 1.2 million square km. 42,000 people >50% Aboriginal 11 official languages The Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories: Profile 33 District Education Authorities (DEAs) + 4 DECs, Commission scolaire, Community Services Board 8 Health & Social Service Authorities (HSSAs) (add in ref) Sources: HSS Annual Report , GNWT, Towards Excellence: A Report on Education in the NWT ‘05, Department of Education, Culture and Employment, and School Enrolment and Graduates, HSS authorities
Northwest Territories: Profile (Cont’d) 9,324 students (06-07) in K- 12; 49 schools graduation rate 45% (aboriginal, 25%) teacher turnover rate high commitment to culture-based education
Benefits of JCSH Information / resource sharing Influence on developments in NWT on: –Recognition of health promoting dchools –Increased communication at regional level