When was the HBC founded ? 1670
What land did the HBC own? Rupert’s land
When was the NWC founded? 1783
4 main Native nations involved in the fur trade were Chipeweyan, Assiniboin, Cree, Ojibwa
The new nation that developed as the fur trade moved west was called Metis
The Metis lived on the best Prairie soils and sustained themselves from two practices: Farming and the buffalo hunt
Lord Selkirk was given a grant to establish what for the HBC? The Red River Settlement
As a result of fear that the colonists would not survive due to a food shortage what did Miles MacDonell enforce? The Pemmican Proclamation
The Pemmican Proclamation ticked off the Metis and the NWC. After a series retaliations between the HBC and NWC it came to a climax at what conflict? The Battle of Seven Oaks- 1816
The HBC and NWC merged in… 1821
The new governor of operations of the HBC was George Simpson
Between 1821 and 1860 the 4 major cultures of the Red River Settlement were.. Metis, Country Born, Scottish and Swiss
Similar to pioneer life: farming, large families, hard work self sufficient and isolation HBC relied on settlement: food for long journeys Law: illegal to trade furs because HBC had monopoly 4 Metis charged with illegal trading but no sentence= “le commerce est libre! Vive la liberte”
BNA Canada Rising population caused many people to move west – Red River had the best farming land Most new Canadians were Protestant members of the Orange Order (Violently anti-French, anti-Catholic movement) Very against the Métis
Never completed his medical degree Opened general store, took over Nor’Wester newspaper Championed Canadian interested by agitating Metis Used his newspaper to inspire hatred
Canada Purchases Rupert’s Land In BNA act, fathers of Confederation stated the eventual take over of Rupert’s land HBC wanted to get rid of it…too hard to control THAT much land Negotiations for transfer occurred Red River Settlers not consulted
Rupert’s Land Continued Canadian government received title. Renamed the North-Western Territory the North-West Territories HBC received 300,000 and 2.8 mill hectares of prairie farmland Right to continue fur trade (no monopoly) Canadian surveyors arrived in Red River and began laying out townships (no regard for people already present)