Quick Write # Think back to World War I. Write down two reasons Americans wanted to stay out of war and two reasons we eventually went to war.
Hitler in Paris
German troops in Paris
II. Pre-World War II A. American Neutrality : Neutrality Acts a. response to anti-war sentiment b. Can’t send weapons or give credit to warring nations c. Raw materials sold for cash only
s: US helps Allies a. Election: FDR promised not to send Ams to a foreign war b. FDR wanted to help Allies, but had to appease US citizens who opposed war c. Destroyer Deal: 50 destroyers given to Brits in exchange for airbases in Newfoundland
3. Lend Lease Act: a. Allowed US to provide arms to Allies b. opposed by many Americans who feared it would lead the US into a war in Europe : Selective Service & Training Act: established 1st peacetime draft in US history (ages 21-35yrs) (FDR prepared for war) “Si vis pacem, para bellum” from Flavius Vegetius Renatus circa 375 AD: “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
Reuben James
B. US Enters WWII 1. Japan a. 1931: invaded Manchuria for natural resources (coal, oil, iron) b. 1937: invaded China 1. used torture & rape to subdue Chinese 2. Js policy in the Pacific conflicted w/Ams open trade w/China: loss of trade w/China would cost US $100 mill ($1.4 bill) per yr
: Japan 72 mill ppl, 1/2 size of Calif “Asia for the Asians:” Japan wanted to liberate Asia from Euros & rule it themselves
Random & Useless Planned by Admiral Yamamoto Js developed special torpedoes 8am Sunday 2/3 of Am Pacific fleet 8 battleships, 149 planes 2400 die Js lose 29 planes c. Battleship Arizona sunk 1200 die & are still there Missed repair yards, fuel tanks & carriers Dec 8: US declares war 534 of 535 vote yes 6 mill volunteer, 10 mill drafted FDR called Dec 7 “A day that will live in infamy.” Attack on Pearl Harbor
Battleship Arizona
3. Philippines a. Also bombed on Dec 7 b. General MacArthur commanded the US forces in the Philippines c. Am & Filipino troops retreat to Bataan peninsula d. FDR ordered MacArthur to leave (went to Australia), promised to return to the Philippines
Random & Useless American & Filipino soldiers surrendered to Japanese in April of 1942 Marched 60 miles 5-10K killed during march (many beheaded) Americans did not know about it for 3 yrs. Bataan Death March
Map of Bataan Peninsula
Bataan Death March
Japanese attempts at creating an empire were in conflict with the US open trade policy here China
When referring to a "day that will live in infamy" President Roosevelt was speaking of the attack here Pearl Harbor
The Japanese took over this country because it had lots of natural resources Manchuria
He commanded the American forces in the Philippines, and vowed to return when forced to evacuate General Douglas MacArthur
This peacetime draft law made it possible for the US to have a large military force by December 1941 Selective Service Act
American anti-war sentiment in 1935 led to the passage of these Neutrality Acts
This act allowed the president to provide arms to foreign countries, but was opposed by Americans who thought it would drag the US into a war in Europe Lend Lease Act
This president wanted to help the Allies, but had to appease US citizens who opposed entering the war Roosevelt
President Roosevelt made a deal where he traded these for military bases in Newfoundland (Canada) Destroyers