Bixby High School Goal Update February 11, 2013
Recap of Goals: ◦ 1. Increase EOI Scores ◦ 2. Increase ACT test scores and test takers ◦ 3. Increase AP passing test scores and test takers ◦ 4. Remediate students in ACE remediation classes by 50% minimum per semester
All EOI’s above 90% ◦ English II 97% ◦ English III 96% ◦ Algebra I 94% ◦ Geometry95% ◦ Algebra II91% ◦ US History92% ◦ Biology93%
CCSS Curriculum Maps Common Writing Rubrics 9-12 Writing Portfolios (min. 4 samples) Peer Classroom Observations Common Assessments (13-14) Common Grading Policies (13-14) Common Late Work Policy (13-14) Alignment of Class Documents and Books with History Classes (13-14)
Pacing Guides Common Semester Exams Common Benchmark Exams Algebra I Common Chapter Assessments Algebra I Review and Retest Night (Decelle, Roden and McFarlane) Peer Classroom Observations Common Assessments (13-14) CCSS Alignment Process started
Common Grading Policy Pacing Guide Common Semester Exams Common Benchmark Exams Peer Classroom Observations Common Chapter Assessments (13-14)
Common Grading Policy(U.S. History)( All others 13-14) Pacing Guides Common Semester Exams Common Benchmark Exams Textbook use sequence with OC³ Standards Document Based Questions Begun work on essential elements, pacing guides for all subjects, and common chapter assessments for all subjects
Increase ACT Composite Score to Long term goal is Increase the number of ACT test takers to 70%. Currently 306 Seniors so goal is 214.
ACT Information distributed to students and parents 3-4 times a semester through with registration dates, deadlines and ACT prep information. ACT Dates distributed in Curriculum Guide, Posters around BHS, and in Counselors Website. All Seniors who had not tested by September 2012 were called in and given ACT information. All Juniors who have not tested will be called in and given information by Spring Break.
Counselors discuss ACT individually with Juniors during enrollment meetings. Coffee with Counselors held periodically to distribute information to parents about ACT as well as FAFSA, Tulsa Achieves, and other college information Free E2020 ACT prep Course- 27 currently enrolled USA Test Prep ACT Review- 41 English, 24 Math, 25 Reading, and 8 Science taken so far. Shmoop ACT Prep- 12 currently enrolled
Increase AP exam pass rate to 65%. Increase the number of AP exams taken by 10% from Goal is 360.
Address course rigor though PLC’s. Created AP training schedule and facilitated summer 2013 sign- up for all AP instructors. Identified potential test takers and anticipated scores. Instructors encourage exam enrollment. Exploring grading training for AP instructors to increase applicability of classroom exams. AP night held in conjunction with enrollment night. Approximately 125 attendees.
ACE Remediation sections in school day Utilization of WorkKeys Summer School two sessions in 2012 and 2013 USA Test Prep Tutoring at BLC Mentoring
Biology 1 st Semester- 5 enrolled- 1passed EOI; 1 no score; 1 Alternate score English II and III- 7 enrolled- No scores yet U.S. History- 2 enrolled- 1 project; 1 taking work keys English and will not need test Algebra I- 3 enrolled- All 3 obtained alternate scores Algebra II- 1 enrolled- Passed EOI Spring 2013 enrollment- 21 in Math, 8 in English, 2 in History, 1 in Biology
28 Academic Scholars submitted A National Merit Semi- Finalist (Riley Frost) 6 Academic All- State students submitted 17 qualified 183 Students took PSAT 142 BHS students utilizing On-Line Virtual HS Courses 81 1 st semester and 70 2 nd semester concurrently enrolled students 66 Pre- Engineering students Tulsa Tech- 58 AM and 48 PM
2012 ACT College Readiness Award Winner – Bixby High School Spartan Post On-line newspaper and Spartan TV 2013 Elective and Activities Fair Enrollment night SPUD activities National Signing Day Ceremony Winter Sports STUCO Convention November 2013
Kate Creekmore and Scott Bein Accreditation recommended but not conferred until June 2013 Two required actions: (1) Develop a formal structure to meet the emotional, social, and post- secondary needs of all students and (2) Create a comprehensive communication plan that targets all stakeholders through written, social media, electronic and verbal communications. Committee very impressed by Bixby High School and Bixby Public Schools.
Every Student…Every Day!