E5776 vs E5775 vs E5372
Huawei E5776
Huawei E5775 Huawei E5775 is a 4G LTE CAT4 MiFi. It supports dualband WiFi 2.4G/5G and can connect up to 11 users simultaneously (10 with WiFi and 1 with USB cable). It is the same as Huawei E5372Ts-32 which has3560mAh battery that could let you surf on the 4G mobile network up to 10hours.
Huawei E5372 Enables you to enjoy an incredibly fast wireless experience with download peak rates of up to 150 Mbps. The E5372 supports LTE Cat4, as well as the 5 and 2.4 GHz channels, giving you more speed and more flexibility.
Here is a comparison chart for these 4G LTE Mobile WiFi Routers:
Model E5776E5775E5372 Form Mobile Wi-Fi Communication System LTE: FDD/TDD FDD-LTE : 2100/1800MHz TD-LTE : 2600/2500/2300 FDD/TDD 3G: WCDMADC-HSPA+/HSPA+/HSPA/UMTS: 2100/900MHzWCDMA 2G: EDGE/GPRS/GSM EDGE/GPRS/GSM : 1900/1800/900/850MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE Speed High-speed LTE FDD packet data service of up to 150 Mbit/s LTE FDD: 50Mbps/100MbpsHigh-speed LTE FDD DL/UL 150/50 Mbps High-speed LTE TDD packet data service of up to 112 Mbit/s LTE TDD: 9Mbps/81MbpsHigh-speed LTE TDD DL/UL 112/10 Mbps High-speed DC-HSPA+ packet data service of up to 43.2 Mbit/s HSPA+: 5.76Mbps/42MbpsHigh-speed DC-HSPA+ packet DL 43.2 Mbps High-speed HSPA+ packet data service of up to 21.6 Mbit/s High-speed HSPA+ DL 21.6 Mbps High-speed HSPA (HSUPA/HSDPA)/UMTS packet data service of up to 14.4 Mbit/s High-speed HSPA (HSUPA/HSDPA)/UMTS DL 14.4 Mbps EDGE/GPRS packet data service of up to kbit/s EDGE/GPRS DL236.8 Kbps Display TFT-LCD1.45inch TFT-LCDTFT-LCD Battery 3000 mAh3560mAh1780 mAh Maximum working time: 10 hours (depending on the network) Maximum working time: 6 hours (depending on the network) Maximum standby time: 500 hours (depending on the network) Maximum standby time: 300 hours (depending on the network) microSD card slot SupportedSupported (Up to 32GB)Support (Up to 32GB) External Antenna Interface Supported Wi-Fi Protocol b/g/n IEEE b/g/n Wi-Fi Connection Number Up to 10 simultaneous users/devices Operation System Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 Conclusion E5776 is classic and olderLTE speed is lower than the other 2 E5372Ts-32 has the same battery capacity with E5775
For More Information: Huawei E5776http:// Huawei E5775http:// Huawei E5372http://
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