Compliance Concepts Part 1 Deconstructing the Manual. Answering Interpretations. Rules Education. Contact Information and Resources.
Compliance Concepts Part 2 Academic Certification. Required Eligibility Forms. Academic Requirements. Seasons and Semesters/Quarters. Certification Case Scenarios.
Compliance Concepts Part 3 Transfer Certification. Declaration of Playing Season.
Deconstructing the Manual
Manual – Printed Versus Online Printed Only includes NCAA Division III Bylaws: 3, and 20. Online Includes entire manual. Constitution. Administrative Bylaws (e.g., Committees).
Table of Contents – Supplement No. 1
Table of Contents Activity See Supplement No. 2. Review bylaws in left column and match the correct reference in the right column. Use table of contents to find answers.
Supplement No. 2
How to Answer a Question
Supplement No. 3
How to Answer a Question Step 1: What is the question? What specific thing are you trying to figure out? Search Tip: Formulate your question. Are you able to describe your question in one or two sentences?
How to Answer a Question Step 2: What information is needed in order to answer the question? Think about the facts surrounding your question. What information do you already know that gives more context to your question?
How to Answer a Question Step 3: Which bylaw(s) does this question include? Use the table of contents to find applicable bylaws. Search Tip: Use keywords and "NCAA Code“ (Supplement No. 4). Are there synonyms for what you are looking for? Are there specific words that the NCAA rules always use?
Research in LSDBi by reviewing interpretations and educational columns. How to Answer a Question
Step 4: Research in LSDBi by reviewing interpretations and educational columns. Look up the specific bylaws you found. Search Tip: if the bylaw you are researching is a subsection of another bylaw, type in the parent bylaw that includes your specific bylaw (one or two levels up), to make sure you can capture related information that may help answer the question.
How to Answer a Question Parent Bylaws
How to Answer a Question Step 4 (continued): Research in LSDBi by reviewing interpretations and educational columns. Interpretations: “case law” that answers questions about how the rule applies in a specific situation. These have the same authority as a bylaw. Educational columns: explainer articles that provide more in-depth information about a bylaw to explain how the rule works. These are helpful but are not binding.
How to Answer a Question Research in LSDBi by reviewing interpretations and educational columns. In LSDBi, the bylaws are linked to interpretations and educational columns.
How to Answer a Question Research in LSDBi by reviewing interpretations and educational columns. In LSDBi, the bylaws are linked to interpretations and educational columns. Search Tip: Often, there are other interpretations and education columns that do not automatically link to the bylaws. Run another search in LSDBi specifically for interpretations and education columns.
How to Answer a Question Search Tip: Yellow dots – Archived Information
How to Answer a Question Step 5: Are there any additional questions that need to be asked in order to answer the question? If you have the necessary information needed, answer the question. Search Tip: If a rule, interpretation or education column mentions additional elements tied to your question, determine whether you have the facts to apply to those elements. If not, find out that information.
How to Answer a Question Step 6: Will it help to talk about the interpretive request with a coworker or professional colleague? Talk about the question with your compliance person. Consult with your athletic director and/or conference office if necessary.
How to Answer a Question Step 7: Submit the question through RSRO. Tip: RSRO will ask for a short explanation. Enter in the question you created back in Step 1. RSRO will also ask for additional detail. Enter in all of the facts about your situation. RSRO will ask for your analysis. Explain what you think the answer is and why, OR describe the analysis that you did in your research.
Activity- Answer a Question See Supplement No. 3. At your tables, work through the necessary steps to answer your question on page two. Use your computer and manual to answer the questions. One person will be the scribe and one person will be the reporter.
Coaches Education What is coaches education? Do you provide coaching education? Why is this important?
Coaches Education Ideas That Work – Supplement no. 5 1.T - first column: generate topic ideas. 2.I - second column: generate ideas/methods to use to provide education to your coaches and staff. 3.M - third column: move forward by developing ways on how you might implement and provide this type of education. 4.E – fourth column: develop ways to track and evaluate the success of the educational initiative. One person will be the scribe and one person will be the reporter.
Recruiting Brochure Supplement No. 6; Official and unofficial visits; Publicity and electronic transmissions; Contacts and evaluations; Recruiting materials; and Social media.
NCAA Resources and Contact Information Supplement No. 7. Website links. Contact information. General tips when contacting the NCAA.
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