Update on ICANN At-Large Activity 23-NOV-2003 APTLD Wellington Meeting Prepared by Tommy Matsumoto, Asia-Pacific ALAC Member Presented by Ching Chiao, Taiwan Network Information Center
At Large Advisory Committee - ALAC The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is responsible for working with the At-Large community to provide advice on the activities of ICANN as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users. The ALAC: –Conducts outreach, solicits input, aids community organizing; –Appoints liaisons to ICANN’s Board and policy development groups; –Appoints 5 delegates to ICANN’s Nominating Committee, which selects most of ICANN’s Board members and fills other key positions.
ALAC – Interim Committee An Interim ALAC was appointed by ICANN’s Board and Nominating Committee in 2003 to help with At- Large organizing and to provide a user perspective on pending issues: Africa: Pierre Dandjinou (Benin); Clement Dzidonu (Ghana); and Sunday Folayan (Nigeria) Asia/Pacific: Izumi Aizu (Japan); Xue Hong (China); and Toshifumi (Tommy) Matsumoto (Japan) Europe: Vittorio Bertola (Italy); Thomas Roessler (Germany); and Roberto Gaetano (Italy) Latin America/Caribbean: Erick Iriarte Ahon (Peru); Sebastián J. Ricciardi (Argentina); and Tadao Takahashi (Brazil) North America: Esther Dyson (U.S.A.); Wendy Seltzer (U.S.A.); and Kenneth Hamma (U.S.A.)
ALAC – At-Large Framework Underpinning the ALAC will be a network of self- organizing, self-supporting At-Large Structures throughout the world involving individual Internet users at the local or issue level. Eventually, these At-Large Structures will self- organize into five Regional At-Large Organizations (one in each ICANN region – Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, and North America).
ALAC – Element of ICANN Reform ICANN’s Board established the ALAC and authorized its supporting At-Large network as part of ICANN’s 2002 reform process. On 26 June 2003, the Board approved the ALAC's framework for the formation of local and regional At-Large groups, launching community self-organizing for structured At-Large participation.
ALAC – At-Large Structures (ALS) Groups throughout the world that deal with individual Internet users' interests are encouraged to register and participate in ICANN by submitting a simple application form (available at –Groups that meet the minimum requirements /criteria will be designated as "At-Large Structures." –At-Large Structures can be existing organizations or newly formed for this purpose.
ALAC – Regional At-Large Organizations When several At-Large Structures have been designated in a region, these groups can work together to establish a Regional At-Large Organization (RALO). The RALOs will manage outreach and public involvement, serving as the main forum and coordination point in each region for public input to ICANN. The RALOs will be responsible for appointing a majority of the At-Large Advisory Committee (each RALO appoints 2 members).
ALAC – Why become an At-Large Structure? By being designated an At-Large Structure, groups have: –A recognized role in forming the policies that affect how individuals' use the Internet; –Quick and easy access to first-hand information on what's happening in ICANN/why it matters to end-users; –Opportunities to provide their members education on ICANN's work and Internet developments; –An opportunity to participate in building their region's At- Large organization (RALO), and opportunities to network with other groups in their country/region;
ALAC – Why become an At-Large Structure? (continued) At-Large Structures have: –Representation in ICANN at the regional and international level, –Opportunities for their members to serve on important regional and international decision-making bodies in ICANN; –Access to free web hosting and other Internet-based mechanisms to support their group's work; –Opportunities for funding to support select activities (ALAC is applying for grant funding).
ALAC – What type of groups can be At-Large Structures? Any group that supports individuals' ability to share their views on ICANN issues, and meets the few simple criteria listed on the ALAC's website, can apply to be an At-Large Structure Types of groups that have expressed interest in being designated an ALS include: Professional societies (e.g. engineers, attorneys, etc.) Academic and research organizations Community networking groups Consumer advocacy groups Internet Society chapters Computer user organizations Internet civil society groups
ALAC – At-Large Structure Applications 8 At-Large Structure applications received to date: Africa –Sudan Internet Society (29 September 2003)Sudan Internet Society –University of Ghana (26 September 2003)University of Ghana –Anais.AC Asia/Pacific –Arab Knowledge Management Society (AKMS) (3 October 2003)Arab Knowledge Management Society (AKMS) Europe –Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft (FITUG) e.V (20 October 2003)Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft (FITUG) e.V –ISOC Italy (4 September 2003)ISOC Italy –ISOC Luxemburg Latin America/Carribean Islands –Alf-Redi (13 October 2003)Alf-Redi
RALO Status AF RALO- Dec EU RALO- ICANN Rome / KL AP RALO –APNG At-Large Committee as the regional forum »Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG), chaired by Tommy Matsumoto »2 Major and 3 Sub Committees: Steering and Activity (Camp, Internet History, At-Large) –AP At-Large Workshop in Carthage –Local Reports from China, Taiwan, and Japan –Need more input and participation
ALAC – Minimum Criteria for ALS 1.Commit to supporting individual Internet users' informed participation in ICANN by distributing to individual constituents/members information on relevant ICANN activities and issues… 2.Have a majority of members who are citizens or residents of countries within the ALS’ Geographic Region. 3.Be self-supporting (not rely on ICANN for funding). 4.Post on the Internet (on the ALAC's website or elsewhere) publicly-accessible, current information about the ALS. 5.Assist the RALO in performing its function.
ALAC – Be a part of At-Large ALAC/At-Large: Enabling meaningful, informed participation in ICANN by individual Internet users. –Public comment is encouraged in the open ALAC forum: (which highlights hot issues and encourages people to exchange views). –To participate/post comments, send to: To get more information: –Send an to –Or go to the ALAC website: –Contact