International Peer Review Conference Lisbon, September 28-29, 2009 EQARF and Peer Review Ms. Leena Koski, Counsellor of Education Leonardo-project ”Peer Review Extended ll”
Content ENQA-VET The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework EQARF and Peer Review ENQA-VET, Thematic group on Peer review: proposal Scenarios for transnational European Peer Reviews Leena Koski
ENQA-VET and Membership Designated by: Member states (23 countries as of 2009) Candidate countries EEA countries Social partners. Membership contribution to match Community funds CEDEFOP and ETF participate to the network as technical and scientific advisers, transferring results to non EU Countries Since beginning of 2010 the process will be led by EU commission and EQARF Network will be established.
Objectives Build sustainable European cooperation and exchange of good practice with regard to QA in VET Support the introduction and implementation of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Contribute to European policy developments regarding QA Promote the effective use of communications to increase awareness and understanding of Quality Assurance Meet the expectations of member states and participating countries, the Commission, and other stakeholders.
The National Reference Points role To keep stakeholders informed on the European Network activities To provide active support to the implementation of the EQARF To take concrete initiatives to promote adaptation of the European Framework to country specific contexts To raise stakeholders awareness of the benefits of using the quality principles, outlined in the European Framework
The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training A reference instrument to help Member States to promote and monitor continuous improvement of their Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems, based on European common references. Fully respects the competence of Member States. Forms part of a series of measures designed to support continuous improvement in the quality and governance of VET systems: Complementary to EQF, ECVET and principles of validation of non-formal and informal learning. Leena Koski
The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Voluntary system to be used by public authorities and bodies charged with quality assurance and improvement in VET. A quality assurance cycle, including planning, implementation, evaluation and review of VET A set of common quality criteria and indicative descriptors A set of indicators Leena Koski
EQARF: the Quality Cycle and Indicators Methodology Indicator 1, 2 Define goals and objectives Indicator 3, 7, 8 Coherent with goals Indicator 4, 5, 6 Collection and processing data; discuss results Indicator 9, 10 Review Purpose And plan Implementation Assessment and evaluation Feedback and procedures for Change
Use and further develop EQARF Devise a national approach for implementing EQARF Participate in the EQARF- network Designate a Quality Assurance National Reference Point (QANRP) Undertake a review of the implementation process Leena Koski Recommendation to MS
© öibf, Gutknecht-Gmeiner 2009 Contribution of Peer Review to the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Peer Review process (Analysis of Self- Report; Peer Visit) Follow-up (Consequences of review report and follow-up activities) Peer Review Report (strengths & improvement areas) Self-assessment of VET providers (Self-Report) Peer Review Methodology Quality Criteria implemented in the European Peer Review Dissemination and practical use of quality criteria enhanced through Peer Review Peer Review as a new methodology of external evaluation (Further) development and use of descriptive indicators
Set of coherent quality indicators (EQARF): An example Indicator No 1: Share of VET-providers applying Quality- Management systems Indicator No 2: Investment in training of teachers and trainers Indicator No 3 and 4: Participation rate in VET programmes Completion rate in VET programmes Leena Koski
Thematic group topics ( ) Indicators Develop Guidelines/ Charter for quality assurance for vet- systems and VET - providers Making VET More Attractive Peer Review The mandate: Make proposal on a process and structure for transnational European Peer Reviews an elaboration of common principles and an institutional structure which includes all relevant actors for European Peer Reviews as the overarching element. a list of tasks and functions which can be attributed to the different actors, and proposals for funding including a list of possible sources. Leena Koski
ENQA-VET Thematic Group Peer Review Maria Gutknecht-Gmeiner (Expert) Leena Koski (Chair), Dana Stroie, Willem de Ridder (Workgroup moderators) Michaela Jonach (Austria), Gabriela Nimac (Austria), Thomas Reinholz (Germany), Stanislav Michek (Czech Republic), Katalin Molnar Stadler (Hungary), Maria Vittoria Marini Bettolo (Italy), Unni Teien (Norway), Shawn Mendes (Sweden), Asta Modig (Sweden), Chris Lambert (UK), Linda Wilson (UK), Margareta Nikolovska (ETF) Leena Koski
European Peer Review and the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF) Peer Review supports the implementation of EQARF in Member States by contributing to the improvement of the quality of VET provision promoting a shared quality culture at VET provider level stimulating mutual learning from good practice across Europe fostering European Networking of VET providers and encouraging mobility enhancing cooperation of VET providers and Member States at European level supporting mutual trust among and within Member States disseminating good practice, enhancing synergies, and fostering the transfer of innovation both between VET providers and Member States.
European Peer Review and the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF) Provide a systematic approach to external evaluation following the quality assurance and improvement cycle Is a new instrument for external evaluation and assessment of VET providers Combines internal and external evaluation Is an attractive and motivating methodology which promotes bottom-up cooperation between VET providers and nurtures the development of a professional quality-improvement culture within the VET sector Promotes exchange and networking between VET providers within and across Member States Can led to further cooperation between VET providers including the establishment of transnational mobility schemes. Leena Koski
Scenario 1: Grass-roots model relies on grass-roots activities by VET providers with no European coordination and support Scenario 2: Decentralised coordination model encompass a coordinating body on the European level which in the “decentralised coordination model” would primarily provide technical and administrative support Scenario 3: Transnational cooperative model active and stringent cooperation between the different actors is foreseen with a coordination body that also provides expert support for both the national lead bodies and the VET providers involved. operative tasks and responsibilities by and large remain with the national bodies ( Leena Koski Scenarios for transnational European Peer Reviews
The Thematic Group unanimously and strongly recommends the implementation of scenario 3 ENQA-VET board has decided to include all three scenarios and the SWOT analysis of them. Forecast for transnational European Peer Reviews (Source:Gutknecht-Gmeiner 2009 (figures as of March 20, 2009) Leena Koski Scenarios for transnational European Peer Reviews Year Total No. of Peer Reviews
National adaptations and implementation EQARF - Devise a national approach for implementing EQARF QANRPs will make more systematic cooperation in the future to support the use of Peer Reviews at national level too. Leena Koski Scenarios for transnational European Peer Reviews