Collaborating and Mentoring Competency 009: G-1 By Adriana G. Hernandez Spring 2012
Domain III Collaborating and Mentoring: Competency 009 The master technology teacher knows how to collaborate with colleagues and facilitate the implementation of appropriate, researched-based, technology-enhanced instruction.
The Master Technology Teacher: G. Promotes interest, inquiry, analysis, collaboration and creativity for integrating evolving technologies that transform teaching and learning processes. H. Collaborates with members of the school community to evaluate, negotiate and establish priorities regarding the use of technology in the schools. I. Selects and applies strategies to facilitate the growth of the learning community in technology - enhanced instruction (e.g., current and emerging technologies, instructional strategies, educational issues.)
Important Words: (as defined in col·lab·o·rate verb (used without object), -rat·ed, - rat·ing. 1. to work, one with another; cooperate, as on a literary work. men·tor noun 1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. 2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
Actions: Actions: Listens Asks Questions Offers Choices Shares Ideas Identifies Goals Engages in Dialogue Provides Feedback
Responsibilities Build relationships Focus on the positive/strengths Use data/research to plan
Do’s and Don’ts Do Listen Collaborate Look for the good Be a partner Don’t Do all the talking Come in with a set plan Focus on what’s wrong Act like a “know it all”
Seven Partnership Principles Equality Choice Voice Reflection Dialogue Praxis Reciprocity
Equality One partner doesn’t tell the other what to do Decisions are made together Partners respect each other Listen with great attentiveness
Choice You give teachers choices; they make final decisions Choices need to be meaningful Will increase willingness to try new initiative
Voice Conversations should be open and candid Be respectful of their opinions Have them set goals based on students’ work and engagement
Reflection Must have reflective conversations after the lesson Partnership: “meeting of the minds” Learning occurs through reflective conversations
Dialogue Be an active listener Be humble, not a “know-it-all” Goal is for the best idea to win
Praxis The act of applying knew knowledge and skills Examples: ◦ learning about asking effective questions, then writing effective questions ◦ Learning about cooperative learning, then implementing the structures ◦ Learning about a new strategy, then thinking about it and choosing not to do it
Reciprocity Both mentor and mentee learn from each other Reflection, dialogue and praxis are part of reciprocity Shared learning and shared power
Implications for MTT exam Multiple Choice Questions choose an answer that : demonstrates the partnership principles shows that you are collaborating and NOT doing it for them Case study Write about: Process of collaboration How you will mentor and not take over (guide and support)
Competency 009 Online Game htm
Resources Knight, J. (2011). What Good Coaches Do. Educational Leadership, 69(2), ect=true&db=tfh&AN= &site=e host-live Martin, P. (n.d.). Free clipart by Phillip Martin. Retrieved from