Revise and Edit I can work in small groups to revise and edit my essay. I can offer feedback to peers about revising and editing their draft.
Revising Vs. Editing Revising Deals with the paper as a whole, considering strengths and weaknesses The purpose or revision is to ask questions, expanding ideas and challenging arguments which require discussion between the writer and the reader. The purpose of discussion is to expand and clarify ideas rather than "correct" them.
Revising Vs. Editing Editing Is on a sentence level, addressing problems with spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word choice.
Groups of 3-4 Pass your paper to the right and WAIT for instruction
Revise Phase One Read the entire paper all the way through: Did the writer follow the prompt? Does the writer have 5 paragraphs? Did the paper make sense?
Pass your paper to the right and WAIT for instruction
Revise Phase Two Read only the intro, topic sentences, and conclusion. Intro: Does the writer have an effective hook and background information? Does the introduction end in a thesis statement? Are all elements apparent in the thesis? (Topic, claim, and main points) Topic Sentences: Does each body paragraph begin with a topic sentence? Do the topic sentences come in the same order that they are listed in the thesis statement? Conclusion: Does the conclusion repeat the ideas in the introduction and topic sentences?
Pass your paper to the right and WAIT for instruction
Revise Phase Three Intro: Is the HOOK interesting? Does the BACKGROUND explain the hook and connect it to the thesis? Body Paragraphs: Did the author cite their source correctly within the essay by using quotations when needed. Conclusion: Rephrase THESIS statement Summarize main points
Pass the paper to the right again (If you have your own paper, pass it again) WAIT FOR INSTRUCTION
Edit Capitalize- names, places, titles, months, etc. Usage- nouns and verbs are correctly used Punctuation- periods, quotes, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, etc. Spelling- Check all words, look for homophones (example: there, they’re, their) Transitions- Is the author using transition words?
Finally Give the author a specific compliment; what did he/she do well?