October 2013 Mineola Nature Preserve
A.The trails people leave behind when they live online, and internet predators use these trails to track down careless tweens and teens. B.Potential tools for learning, finding like-minded peers, building reputations as thoughtful contributors to meaningful digital conversations and studying topics of deep personal interest to them C.Both A and B D.Neither A nor B E.All of the above leadership/apr11/vol68/num07/Positive-Digital-Footprints.aspx
Pair and share. Talk to someone in the room you do not know.
Making her appearance October 2014
Perception is reality to some people. If it is up for interpretation, then what?
Understand the central statement / topic before the discussion begins. Choose a side. Listen carefully. Seek to understand arguments even if you don’t agree. Wait for the mediator to recognize you before you speak. Summarize briefly the previous speaker’s argument before you respond. After you respond, wait 3 people before speaking again. Address the ideas not the person stating them. Keep an open mind, move to the other side or the undecided section if you feel that someone made a good argument.
State the central topic. My original position: Pro / Con / Undecided How many times did I change? My ending position? Pro / Con / Undecided How open minded was I as I listened? Mostly open-minded (5) Partially open-minded (3) Not very open-minded (0) In 5-8 sentences, explain why your position did or did not change and the reasons for your thinking.
1)Individually brainstorm questions that should be asked before posting online. 2) After you have 4 questions, pair and share. 3) Form a group of four and choose 3-5 questions from which you can create a decision tree. 4) Present to the group.
Steve Johnson, ASCD Twitter: