The Social Business Initiative The development of economic activity in the community, voluntary and social enterprise sectors (social economy) P2P study.


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Presentation transcript:

The Social Business Initiative The development of economic activity in the community, voluntary and social enterprise sectors (social economy) P2P study tour Jean-Claude Mizzi, policy coordinator at Unit MARKT 01 (Single Market Policy, Relations with the Council) DG ELARG 20 June :30 – 12:30 Infeuropa 1 rue Archimède Brussels


Presentation today 3 I.Social Business and the SBI II.GECES III. Status of the 28 actions IV.Contacts at the Commission

Presentation today I.Social Business and the SBI II.GECES III. Status of the 28 actions IV.Contacts at the Commission 4

Video from DG MARKT on YOUTUBE 5

"Social business" means … … an undertaking operating in the market through the production of goods and services in a way that embodies its social objective, which: (i)has the achievement of measurable, positive social impacts as a primary objective in accordance with its articles of association, statutes or any other statutory document establishing the business; (ii) uses its profits to achieve its primary objective and has in place predefined procedures and rules for any circumstances in which a limited part of its profits are distributed to shareholders and owners; (iii) is managed in an entrepreneurial and innovative, accountable and transparent way, in particular by involving workers, customers and stakeholders affected by its business activities. 6

The Social Business Initiative Announced in lever 8 of the Single Market Act (13/04/2011) Common work of DG MARKT, DG EMPL and DG ENTR Communication presented by Vice-President Tajani and Commissioners Barnier & Andor, adopted on 25 October 2011 Part of the "Responsible businesses" package (with, inter alia, the Communication on Corporate Social Responsibility) Inclusive Single Market, strengthening growth and jobs Road map for the next months/years, around 3 types of themes (11 key actions) 7

I. Improve the access to funding (4 key actions) 1.European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (December 2011). 2.Development of microcredit in Europe. 3.A European financial instrument to improve social businesses' access to funding (October 2011; operational from 2014). 4.Investment priority for social enterprises in the regulations ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and ESF (European Social Fund) (October 2011). 8

II. Improve the visibility (4 key actions) 1. Mapping social enterprises in Europe to identify good practices and collect reliable data on the social economy (end 2012 – beginning 2013). 2.A public database of labels and certifications applicable to social businesses in Europe to improve the visibility and comparison between them. 3.Promote mutual learning and capacity-building of national and regional administrations and help them to put in place integrated strategies to support social enterprises. 4.A single, multilingual information and exchange platform for social enterprises and their partners. 9

III. Improve legal environment (3 key actions) 1.European foundation Statute (February 2012) and simplification of the European Co-operative Society in Study on the situation of mutual societies (February 2012). 2.Public procurement reform: streamlined regime for social services; more focus on the element of quality in awarding contracts; possibility to take into account the working conditions for people involved in the production process and extended possibility of reserved contracts for social enterprises (December 2011). 3.Simplify the implementation of rules concerning state aid to social and local services (December 2011). 10

Presentation today 11 I.Social Business and the SBI II.GECES III. Status of the 28 actions IV.Contacts at the Commission

Groupe d'Experts de la Commission sur l'Entrepreneuriat Social (GECES) ("Expert group of the Commission on social entrepreneurship") Communication on Social Business Initiative (SBI): "The Commission … shall … set up a consultative multi- stakeholder group on social business to examine the progress of the measures envisaged in this Communication … this group could be made up of representatives of the Member States, local authorities, social entrepreneurs' organisations, the banking and finance sector and the academic and university sector." COM(2011)682 12

GECES Informal group set up for 6 years (2012 – 2017), which will: "Examine the progress of the measures envisaged in" the SBI Be consulted by the Commission, on the development, setting up and implementation of the 11 actions listed in SBI Be consulted by the Commission, on the opportunity, development, setting up and implementation of the other actions mentioned in the SBI Meets twice a year (at least, maybe meetings in sub- groups if decided/needed)  Secretariat Unit MARKT 01 13

GECES  Chaired by the Commission (3 DGs together)  87 Participants:  71 members (32 from public authorities)  16 observers (other European bodies)  Observers: cannot vote if/when the chair asks for a vote  Call for applications (44 selected from 245 applications / Gender and nationality balance)  1 st meeting 5 June 2012 at Charlemagne building (Brussels)  2 nd meeting 29 November

GECES 71 members  Member States ( substitutes )  Regional and local authorities & their representatives (5)  Social entrepreneurs + Organisations representing social entrepreneurs + Social business support organisations (20)  Banking and finance sector (10)  Academic and research sector (9) 15

GECES 16 observers (+ 16 substitutes)  11 Third countries 1 Acceding country (1 st July 2013 – Croatia) 4 Candidate countries (Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey) 3 Potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia) 2 EEA countries (Liechtenstein and Norway) 1 Switzerland  EP, EESC and C of R  EIB and EIF 16

Presentation today I.Social Business and the SBI II.GECES III. Status of the 28 actions IV.Contacts at the Commission 17

Presentation today I.Social Business and the SBI II.GECES III. Status of the 28 actions IV.Contacts at the Commission 18

SBI team MARKT 01 2 Policy coordinators + Secretariat GECES  Jean-Claude Mizzi  Emmanuel Vallens Secretariat GECES  Inès Rodado-Perez + Rachel Taylor  19

SBI team EMPL C2/C3 3 Policy coordinators + Secretariat  Gerhard Braünling  Jérôme Roche  Andrea Maier Secretariat  Kaupo Paltseri

SBI team ENTR F2 2 Policy coordinators + Secretariat  Apostolos Ioakimidis  Kiril Krilov Nikolov Secretariat  Iulia Dinu

More information?  SBI WEBSITE  GECES WEBSITE 22

THANK YOU 27 countries / 1 Single market 27 countries / 1 Single market 23