Dennis Zhu Computer 8
Provide energy Two major types Simple (sugar) Complex (starches) Contain carbon,oxygen and hydrogen Called monomers: glucose and fructose Examples Vegetables and fruits Oats Sweets etc. Carbohydrates
Storage from energy Provides insulation from the cold and the heat Types Unsaturated fats (plant foods and fish) Saturated fats (animal products) Trans fat (margarine) Helps make foods taste good and smell good Examples: Animal products and plants Sweets etc. Fat
Builds maintain and replaces tissues Essential parts of organisms Types Enzymes proteins - (catalyze chemical and biochemical reactions within living cell and outside) Hormones - (are responsible for processes in organisms) Contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen Example Dairy Foods Beans, Peas and Lentils Meat and Fish etc. Protein
Fibre Prevent constipation and various other bowel problems Types Soluble fiber (dissolve in water as well as in the gastrointestinal tract ) Insoluble fiber (helps food pass through the digestive tract quickly and easily ) Lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels Example Whole wheat and grain products fruits and vegetables Etc.
Vitamin Need to work properly Types Vitamin D helps your bones Vitamin C helps your body heal if you get a cut Vitamins B helps your body make energy etc. Helps the skin repel bacteria and viruses more effectively Example Almost every food contains
Mineral Help your body stay healthy Build strong bones and transmit nerve impulses Types Calcium (helps bones grow better) Chloride (salt, salt substitutes) etc. Helps red blood cell production Example Pork products Milk Vegetable
Water Use every day Types Hard water (contain calcium, iron, magnesium) Raw water (has not been boiled) million people die each year from water-related disease Examples wash dishes Drink etc.