Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Portal Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky Luca Roverelli IMATI-CNR.


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Presentation transcript:

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Portal Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky Luca Roverelli IMATI-CNR

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR Outline The EXTras Portal 3 3 EGI FedCloud 1.PortalTS 2.Json-GUI 3.Architecture 1 1 EXTraS Intro 1.Virtual Appliance 2.Accessing FedCloud 3.Contextualization 4.µServices

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR Outline The EXTras Portal 3 3 EGI FedCloud 1.PortalTS 2.Json-GUI 3.Architecture 1 1 EXTraS Intro 1.Virtual Appliance 2.Accessing FedCloud 3.Contextualization 4.µServices

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 4 XMM-NewtonEPIC camera

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 5 Systematic analysis of European Photon Imaging Camera archival data to: Detect new X-ray transients Detect new X-ray pulsators Characterize their long-term variability Compile and public release of the variable source catalogue

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 6 For each observation, source detection is performed on images integrated on short (e.g. 1,000 s) time intervals and results compared with the list of sources detected in the full observation (5,000 – 130,000 s), searching for new point sources 1000s Full Observation

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 7 SW Characteristics and requirements: Independent analysis tools

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 8 SW Characteristics and requirements: Complex libraries!

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 9 SW Characteristics and requirements: Configurations and results sharing

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 10 SW Characteristics and requirements: New data every day

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR The EXTraS Project 11 Solution: Science Gateway

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR Outline The EXTras Portal 3 3 EGI FedCloud 1.PortalTS 2.Json-GUI 3.Architecture 1 1 EXTraS Intro 1.Virtual Appliance 2.Accessing FedCloud 3.Contextualization 4.µServices

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR PortalTS 13 Modern Web Portal Implemented using new technologies Composed by a set of reusable modules

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR PortalTS - Internal Architecture 14 z Database Module User Management Module Persistence API Module CMS Module Theme Module Mail Module

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR Json-GUI { "parameterType": "integer", "value":18, "displayName": "Parental Grid Ratio", "dbName": "parental_grid_ratio", "dependencies": ["grid_spacing"], "computedResult": "return dependencies['grid_spacing'].value +this.value", "isValid": "if(this.value < dependencies['grid_spacing'].value) { message = 'Specific Error’; return false;}", }...

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - Architecture 16 EGI FedCloud Jobs Management Json-GUI WP5 GUI Jobs Management UI WP2 GUIWP3 GUI... µS WP2 µS WP3 µS WP5... OCCI AppDB EXTraS V.A.

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR Outline The EXTras Portal 3 3 EGI FedCloud 1.PortalTS 2.Json-GUI 3.Architecture 1 1 EXTraS Intro 1.Virtual Appliance 2.Accessing FedCloud 3.Contextualization 4.µServices

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - EGI FedCloud: Personalized V.A. 18 Ubuntu LTS Library 1Library 2Library 3Library 4Library 5Library 6Library 7 WP2WP3WP4 EXtraS Virtual Appliance EGI AppDB

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - EGI FedCloud 19 Accessing FedCloud? Robot Certificate

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - EGI FedCloud 20 Accessing FedCloud: Robot Certificate Associated with a specific set of applications

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - EGI FedCloud 21 Accessing FedCloud: Robot Certificate Shared by the all VO members

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - V.A. Contextualization 22 1.Download SW Tool specific script2.Execute the SW Tool specific script3.Send to µService the execution logs4.Notify completion to the µService

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - Microservice 23 µS WP2 Job Submission! CloudResource1 CloudResource2 OCCI create Inst.1 Callback! OCCI destroy

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - Microservices 24 REALTIME LOGS! What we need?

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR EXTraS Project - Microservices 25 µS WP2 CloudResource1 CloudResource2 Inst.1 LOG!

Luca Roverelli – IMATI CNR 26 Questions?