Mesh Networks and DTN Break Out Group Common research challenges A representative experiment Issues for a one page writeup what incentive for the “a day in life” experiment? Perhaps, by maintaining a standard client without changes, the experiment can leverage all existing applications (e.g. skype, yahoo messenger).
Research Challenges One Network: Exploiting (relationship to) wired network different architectures will use connections to wired network in different way (short circuit) wired network provides infrastructure: naming, CNF post-offices, geocast routing End-to-end (optimization-based) requires common view of pricing access architecture Improving spectrum use via protocol engineering cross layer, low-power Routing: Better routing w/o heavyweight signaling Opportunistic routing Intermittently connected endpoints Scale & heterogeneity: Mobile experiments devices
Research Challenges 2 Multiple device modalities (wimax to wifi to 3g to DVB) Exploiting context (location, connectivity….) X-ilities: explainability, manageability Autonomic, zero-conf Resource use: policing (you are using more than your fair share), cooperative? Investigate (different architectures for) tradeoff between infrastructure, multi-hop … and Security (…and Privacy, and DRM ) What about layer 1 and 2 (some view as very important) Tie in with layer 3: routing, cooperative approaches – this impact networking
Management and Infrastructure Challenges Heterogeneity (do we need multiple smaller testbeds) Can one testbed, or even a small # testbed solve all problems? Facility requirement: slicing gives larger nets than physical # nodes, but also reservations to allow latency tests Management Benchmarks Measurement, repeatability More accurate simulation (also repeatable) Measuring/characterizing RF “in the wild” Design for flexibility/extensibility since at this stage of the field, researchers have no idea what they wants to do a year from now
A Good Scenario Must: Accommodate mobility Real people doing real things (uncontrolled, in the wild) Controlled (programmable) mobility (for repeatability) Accommodate disconnectedness Multiple radios (cognitive), with ability to control PHY Communication requirements: to Internet, as well as to within wireless network (e.g., P2P video sharing)
Scenario: A Day In Life Home, cars (commuting) and bus, walking in urban environment, work, commute back home, home Media rich Real people doing real things means building a testbed in a (or multiple) real human environments (towns) Both Internet connectivity and peer-to-peer usage Run this scenario as a continuous reserved slice in GENI … but also need controlled experimental environment