How to install WiFi over Windows 7 ©
Summary 1.Requirements 2.Driver installation 3.Microsoft Virtual WiFi port adapter creation 4.Sharing Microsoft Loopback adapter 5.WiFi parameters configuration on KIOSK Gifts 6.Troubleshooting Important The following document describes how to create a wireless access point totally isolated from Internet connection. After apply it, the KIOSK will have two separated networks: one to communicate with smartphones and another one to stay connected to internet.
1. Requirements Operating system Windows 7 © WiFi device WiFi adapter has to be compatible with Access Point mode
2. Driver installation Download and install the proper driver for your WiFi adapter. Warning Install only drivers, not the software. Windows has to be able to manage the adapter directly.
3. Microsoft Virtual WiFi port adapter creation The process of creation and running this kind of device has been implemented on a batch file to ease this operation. This file is located at D:\DPSKiosk\KERNEL\TOOLS\Startup\EnableWAP.bat
3. Microsoft Virtual WiFi port adapter creation EnableWAP shortcut creation A)Go to path D:\DPSKiosk\KERNEL\TOOLS\Startup and then right click on EnableWAP and choose Create Shortcut. B)Drag and drop this shortcut to Start > All programs > Startup (*). At this moment, the system is able to launch this script on each boot. C)Reboot the system. (*) Click here to see video tutorial
4. Sharing Microsoft Loopback adapter A.Go to Start and click on the DPS icon (top-right side of the menu). User Accounts window will appear.
4. Sharing Microsoft Loopback adapter B.Navigate to Control Panel > Network and Sharing center > Change adapter settings
4. Sharing Microsoft Loopback adapter C.Look for Microsoft Loopback Adapter and then, right click and choose Properties > Sharing. Check Allow other network… and then choose the adapter that refers to MS Virtual Miniport Adapter NOTE: The name of each network adapter may defer In this example Wireless Network Connection 5 refers to MS Virtual Miniport
5. WiFi parameters configuration on KIOSK Gifts This procedure applies only if it’s required to change SSID (*) and/or password, per instance on installations with more than one system where is a must to rename each SSID in order to avoid communication issues. [Optional procedure] (*) SSID: Is the network identifier SSID: KIOSKGIFTS1 SSID: KIOSKGIFTS2
5. WiFi parameters configuration on KIOSK Gifts A.By click on the top-left and top-right corners go to Applications > Settings > General settings > Devices > Smartphone-Wifi. B.Reboot the system to apply the changes. [Optional procedure]
6. Troubleshooting Microsoft Loopback adapter is not present A.Go to Control Panel > Device Manager and then, right click on OEM and choose Add legacy hardware
6. Troubleshooting Microsoft Loopback adapter is not present B.Follow the steps as below
6. Troubleshooting EnableWAP.bat is not present A.Go to path D:\DPSKiosk\KERNEL\TOOLS\Startup and then, right click over blank space and go to New > Text Document and use as file name EnableWAP.bat B.Type the following lines: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=“KIOSKGIFTS” key=“ ” netsh wlan start hostednetwork C.Create shortcut on Startup (refer to section 3. Microsoft Virtual WiFi port adapter creation)
6. Troubleshooting
Microsoft Loopback recommended IP KIOSKGIFTS recommended IP