Vision 21 a shared vision for Hygiene, Sanitation and Water Supply Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
The essence of Vision 21 Building on people’s energy and creativity A holistic approach Committed and compassionate leadership Synergy among all partners
A vision for Latin America “A clean and healthy world: A world in which each person has drinking water and sanitation, participates in its sustainability and lives in a healthy environment” from Vision 21 report prepared by Latin American Group, 1999
Key points from the Latin American vision (1) People come first The human right to basic services Water and sanitation as an entry point into human development and poverty reduction Leadership and effective government Synergy from uniting efforts of all players Hygiene and sanitation as revolutionary priorities Equality
Key points from Latin American vision (2) Greater attention to the poor population, urban and rural Institutional reform, continuous and sustainable Payable and affordable services Water as a good with economic and social value
Goals and targets for 2015 As part of halving the proportion of people in poverty in each country –Universal public awareness of hygiene –Halving percentage lacking adequate sanitation –Halving percentage lacking safe water –80% primary children educated about hygiene –All schools equipped with facilities for sanitation and hand washing –50% reduction in diarrhea disease incidence
Achieving Vision 21 (1) Adopt a people centred approach with people given and taking responsibility for local development Recognize human rights to water and a safe environment Establish strong links with poverty reduction and human development Mobilize leadership at every level
Achieving Vision 21 (2) Prioritize hygiene and sanitation Integrate gender into planning and action Respond to the urban poor Develop a culture of collaboration Change laws and institutions Mobilize resources for affordable services Integrate water resource management
Key actors People and Communities Institutional service providers Mayors and municipalities State and national governments Regional institutions and organizations International agencies and donors
A vision for Latin America “A clean and healthy world: A world in which each person has drinking water and sanitation, participates in its sustainability and lives in a healthy environment” from Vision 21 report prepared by Latin American Group, 1999
What is human development? A process of expanding people’s choices to live long, healthy and creative lives Dimensions of human development –Empowerment –Cooperation –Equity –Sustainability –Security
Human development embraces Process of enlarging people’s choices Formation of human capabilities Access to opportunities but goes far beyond Human resource investment Social sector expenditure
Indicators of human development HDI–human development index GDI- gender development index GEM –gender empowerment HPI – human poverty index
Human development index A composite index of basic capabilities to Live a long and healthy life - (life expectancy) Acquire knowledge –(literacy and school enrolment) Have a decent standard of living –(adjusted per capita income $PPP)
Human poverty index The denial of capabilities and opportunities for living a tolerable life Dimensions –Short life expectancy –Lack of knowledge –Lack of access to health, water and nutrition –Social and political exclusion
Goals and targets Good hygiene practices universally applied Adequate sanitation for everyone Safe water for everyone All primary school children educated about hygiene 80% reduction in diarrhea disease incidence