Poor countries account for only 1.3% of total private consumption. 1.4 milion persons in the world. have no water 20% to 30% water wasted at home
Developed countries are used to consuming everyday while poor countries do not have access to their basic needs Poor countries have difficulties in having access to water and food THERE IS A HUGE GAP BETWEEN COUNTRIES
Nike was accused of hiring children to make their trainers and their sports clothes ! On the one hand, the consumer society evolves, on the other hand human rights are not respected at all !
Although workers spend 15 hours a day in sweat shops they are badly paid A terrible accident took place in Rana Plaza because safety laws were not respected. 1129 people died, shoking !
a global organization working to secure a better deal for farmers and workers a business that promotes fairtrade products = rice, tea, coffee, clothes, chocolate.
It consists in buying products and defending a cause at the same time. If you consume this product, you will fight for social improvements
65 countries celebrate Buy Nothing Day People want consumers to detox from - purchasing- The goal of this day is to prevent people from buying
When we consume too much we produce too much waste that destroy the planet and we encourage child labour! STOP low-paid wages and consume less !!