Work done in 2011 Generating higher incomes through CSIR-CRI released varieties IMP CRSP Tomato survey IMP CRSP Peanut survey Proposal development -Out grower Value chain scheme -Sustainable food production through farmer investment fund Promotion -Financial viability study for root and tuber crops in Ghana -Baseline survey for Purchase for Progress (P4P) programme -Mid-line study on the socio-economic status of the actors of the root and tuber commodity chain
Activities for 2012 Projects - Sustainable Intensification of Integrated Crop-Small Ruminant Production Systems in West Africa ( SIIC-SR) -Integrated Management Strategies for Millipedes (Diplopoda) Infesting Cassava and other Root and Tuber Crops in the Western Region of Ghana -DONATA -Farmer preferred drought tolerant (DT) maize hybrids and open pollinated varieties-monitoring uptake and Adoption Solicit for proposals Develop a proposal for measuring the impact of CSIR- CRI technologies
Generating higher incomes through CSIR-CRI improved Varieties J.Osei-Adu, P.P.Achampong,B.O. Asante, J.Halegoah,B.N. Frimpong and A. Adu-Appiah Introduction The high incidence of poverty among small scale farmers can be partly attributed to their limited use of CSIR-CRI improved varieties. The difference in yield between CSIR-CRI improved varieties and the farmers local variety is very wide such that farmers lose potential income by not adopting CSIR-CRI Improved varieties. Returns from CSIR-CRI Improved varieties is much higher than cultivating the farmers own local varieties.
Objectives The main objective of the study was to estimate the potential benefits in adopting improved CSIR-CRI varieties. The specific objectives were to; Estimate potential returns from CSIR-CRI improved varieties Perform sensitivity analysis taking increased cost and post harvest losses into account
Methodology Potential achievable yields were adjusted downwards and cost of production of CSIR-CRI released varieties upwards by 10% coefficient factor Average potential benefits were estimated using agricultural commodity prices from the Agricultural facts and figures, 2010 document and adjusted yields. Gross Margin (GM) and Marginal Analysis were used in estimating returns Sensitivity Analysis was also used to estimate potential returns, taking into account post harvest losses and increased in production cost
Results CSIR-CRI Improved Varieties Farmers Average Yield(t/ha) Yield Difference (t/ha) VarietyPotential Yield(t/ha) Cassava CSIR-Buroni CRI-Doku Duade CRI-Bankye hemaa CRI-Esam Bankye CRI-Agelifia CSIR-Sika Bankye CSIR-Ampong CSIR-Otuhia Yam 15.3 CRI-Pona CRI-Kukrupa CRI-Mankrong Pona Rice 2.4 Emo tea CRI-Sakai Amankwatia CRI-Bodia Otoo emo Wakatsuki
Net Returns of CSIR-CRI Rice Varieties
Sensitivity Analysis
Marginal Analysis
Conclusion CSIR-CRI improved varieties have higher returns and is highly recommended. Extension needs to intensify its dissemination and training programmes to help farmers realize the potential returns from CSIR-CRI improved varieties Poverty among small scale farmers will be alleviated by adopting CSIR-CRI Improved varieties
Publications Conference papers Acheampong P.P.,Dankyi A.A.,Adu-Dapaah H., Frimpong B., Osei-Adu J. and Asante B.O. Cluster initiatives in Ghana: The way forward for Economic Development and poverty Alleviation presented at the Annual Conference of the Pan-African Competitiveness Forum E.Adu-Kwarteng, Regina Sagoe, Stephen Amoah, Jonas Osei-Adu, Bright O.Asante, H.K. Adu-Dapaah. Sweet potato product development in Ghana: towards alleviation of nutritional deficiencies in women and children. Poster presented at the conference on Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Enhancing Food Security in Africa Journal Publication Bright Owusu Asante, Emmanuel Otoo, Alexander Nana Wiredu, Patricia Acheampong, Jonas Osei-Adu and Benedicta Nsiah-Frimpong( 2011). Willingness to adopt the vine multiplication technique. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics Vol. 3(16), pp ,in seed yam production in the forest savanna transition agro-ecological zone, Ghana