A new type of associate degree {Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or Associate in Science (AS-T) for Transfer} Different from other “local” NVC Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees Allows students to complete an associate degree while completing CSU transfer requirements at the same time. Degree is part of a California Community College (CCC) system’s partnership with California State University (CSU) PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY
Bakersfield Channel Islands Chico Dominguez Hills East Bay Fresno Fullerton Humboldt Long Beach Los Angeles Maritime Academy Monterey Bay Northridge Pomona Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Jose San Luis Obispo San Marcos Sonoma Stanislaus PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY
Earn an Associate degree while preparing to transfer Although the ASSOCIATE DEGREE FOR TRANSFER (ADT) does not guarantee a student admission to ALL CSU campuses and ALL majors, it does secure priority admission consideration and guarantee into the CSU system When accepted into a similar major at a CSU (“similar” is defined by the CSU campus), the student need only complete an additional selected 60 units of coursework at the CSU to complete the bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) ◦ Example: AS-T completed in Business Admin; apply for General Business (similar) at SFSU Students applying to campuses/systems outside of CSU may also benefit but the same “guarantees” don’t necessarily apply Students with AA-T/AS‐T degrees are guaranteed a comprehensive admissions review by the University of California (UC) system. PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY A California community college student who earns an AA-T or AS-T will benefit from the following:
Major Prep (AA-T/AS-T) + Transfer GE (includes American Institutions for CSU transfers) + Electives = 60 units at CCC Major Prep Electives CSUGE or CSU IGETC (Double-count American Institutions) PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY You need 120 units to earn a four-year Bachelors degree 60 minimum units are completed at the CCC
= 120 Unit Guarantee Total Bachelor’s Degree Units NOTE: Changing a major, adding a minor or taking extra electives carries no guarantee of completing Bachelor’s degree in 120 units. CSU Upper Division Major coursework + remaining lower division per ASSIST.org CSU Upper Division GE (9 units after transfer) PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY CCC Lower Division Major Prep Electives Full “Certification” of CSU GE or CSU IGETC +
You want to earn an Associate degree and prepare for transfer You want to apply for the “similar” major at one or more CSU campuses ◦ List of similar CSU majors/concentrations available at: You want to apply to one of the 9 Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) that include an admission guarantee upon completion of an AA-T/AS-T: ◦ List of 9 HBCUs and Memorandums of Understanding/Agreements listed at: You plan on transferring to an impacted campus or impacted major Priority admission with an ADT includes a “GPA bump” (0.1 for local CSUs, 0.2 for non-local CSUs – NVC is only local to Sonoma State University) The AA-T/AS-T is not required to transfer for fall CSU admission (spring admission may require ADT verification) PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY This degree works especially well if:
PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY Minimum of C grades required in all major prep courses listed in Napa Valley College Catalog for AA-T/AS-T Strive for a competitive GPA with or without the AA-T/AS-T Some CSU campuses and majors are impacted or highly selective and have additional requirements. Students are strongly recommended to utilize and to consult an NVC Counselor for required coursework. Complete either the CSU GE breadth or CSU IGETC (IGETC + CSU Admission Requirements) American Ideals (U.S. History, American/CA Gov’t) CSU Graduation requirement to double-count as part of general education “Golden 4” Admission Requirements included as part of GE pattern (English Comp, Speech Comm, Critical Thinking, College Level Math) The student does not need to complete any other “local” CCC associate degree requirements (exempt from Health Ed/Dance/PE and Multicultural Reqt.) To earn the AA-T/AS-T degree, students must:
CCC Chancellor’s Office Approved Degrees AA-T/AS-TLocal Degree AS-T Administration of Justice AS Administration of Justice AA-T Anthropology AA-T Art History AA Art History AA-T Business Administration AS Business (concentrations) AA-T Communication Studies AS-T Early Childhood DevelopmentAS Child & Family Studies AA-T Elementary Teacher Education (soon to come!) AA-T English AA-T History (soon to come!) AA-T Kinesiology AS-T Mathematics AA-T MusicAA Vocal or Instrumental Emphasis AA-T Political Science AA-T PsychologyAA Psychology AA-T Sociology AA-T SpanishAA Spanish (Heritage or Non-Heritage Speaker Emphasis) AA-T Studio ArtsAA Studio Arts (Painting or Drawing or Ceramics) AA-T TheaterAA Theater Arts (Technical Theater or Acting Emphasis) PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY
“Local” Degrees with similar degree titles (previous slide): ◦ Include major coursework in college catalog as determined locally, plus NVC GE & local Grad. Requirements (PE/Dance/Multicultural) Vs. AA-T/AS-T Degrees ◦ These degrees include major coursework in college catalog as determined in agreements per CSU and CCC faculty, plus CSU GE or CSU IGETC What Is The Difference? ◦ Local Degree: No priority admission to selected CSUs or guaranteed spot within CSU ◦ ADT: No NVC graduation requirements apply ◦ Both: Major courses and minimum degree units vary even if the same title PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY
See a counselor immediately to determine which Associate Degree path is best for you! Consider taking a Career Planning course, i.e. COUN 110 (3 units) for help in deciding your career and major! Develop an Educational Plan (regardless of intent to complete ADT) – every student must have by 30 units Attend Transfer Center Workshops and Transfer Fairs! Stay on top of your own transfer path! PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY
File your Associate Degree (ADT) graduation petition for fall CSU admission if seeking priority/guarantees: ◦ Deadlines posted on A&R calendar (Example: Petition deadline mid-October for spring graduation/fall CSU admission) Apply for “GE Certification” verifying completion of CSU GE or IGETC Verify that CSU campuses you are applying to have a “similar” major (if you want priority/guarantee): CSU Mentor Application will ask you to confirm that you have earned (or will earn the degree); indicate “yes” if at least one CSU campus you are applying to has a similar major Admissions & Records (A&R) will provide you with “ADT Verification” o Students are responsible for getting the Verification to individual CSU campuses (Due in March for fall CSU applicants) PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY
Counselors and Transfer Center staff are here to help you! Make an appointment now while you still can if you have questions. Good luck! PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY…SEE A COUNSELOR…PLAN EARLY