Promises, promises…
What is a promise? “a promise is a statement telling someone that you will definitely do something or that something will definitely happen in the future” “an indication of future success or improvement” “a reason to expect that something will happen in the future”
Princess of the Universe
What are you expecting in your future?
Which promise speaks to you? Access to Higher Education Guidance and help along the way Increases in compensation for committing to the field A college education earned without debt
Goals of Partnership BY: To improve the quality of early care & education BY: Increasing the education level Increasing the compensation Increasing the retention rate of employment Improved quality & continuity of care provided for our children and their families in Missouri child care programs
GOT EDUCATION? Getting the Right Answers by Asking the Right Questions
Ask the right questions to get the answers you need to know!
What is a CDA? Child Development Associate Credential (an official document or record) Conferred by Council for Professional Recognition in Washington DC Nationally recognized credential that acknowledges the beginning professional’s basic competence in child care and education.
CDA CDA Credential is not awarded by two-year colleges and it is NOT a degree (not an Associate degree) It is a process putting together the required components of a CDA - NOT just classes CDA can be earned with or without college credit There are costs associated with earning a CDA with or without college credit
CDA Some 2-year colleges will award credit by credential for community training hours but this also has a cost and varies by college CDA must be renewed every 3 years from award date to remain current
What is an AA? Associate of Arts degree Degree earned at a 2-year college with the intent of transferring the credits to a 4-year college or university Requires 60 to 70 college credit hours Heavier in general education, 42 hours Often includes supervised field work in the area of study chosen
What is an AAS? Associate of Applied Science degree Degree earned at a 2-year college with focus on your major to prepare for workforce entry Requires 60 to 70 college credit hours total, general education and early childhood It is unlikely all early childhood credits will articulate to a 4-year college degree
What is a BA, BS or B.Ed.? Bachelors - 4-year degrees from colleges & universities Requires at least 120 credit hours Each degree is a Bachelor’s, not all lead to the same end Ask your advisor which is best for you
With Certification or Without? Want to work in education but not teach in public school system – without certification In the future, public schools may contract with local child care centers to provide “universal preschool” which means the lead teacher will need state certification Certification requires a semester of student teaching in a public school setting & passing the Praxis exam
How can I fund my professional development?
Financial Resources Grants - Grants are gift awards that do not have to be repaid. Grants can be given at the Federal, state, local, and foundational levels. Federal Pell Grants – Federally funded for undergraduate degrees financial eligibility requirements often mandatory to apply for this grant to receive other financial assistance
T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI Scholarship - An award given based on eligibility criteria that is not paid back by the student. T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MISSOURI - In Missouri since 2000, our license is held by Child Care Aware® of Missouri While funding varies each year, we award scholarships year round
T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI Eligibility Requirements: You must be a director, teacher or assistant in a licensed early childhood care center, family child care home or group home You must have a high school diploma or GED You must work directly with children birth to 5 years old at least 30 hours a week You must make no more than $14.50/hour as a teacher and under $16/hour as a director Must work in Missouri
Level 1 Entry level scholarship Supports classes at the Associates degree Used to earn 9 to 15 college credit hours in early childhood education This level is NOT renewable and covers ONLY early childhood classes
Level 1 9 to 15 credit hours over 3 consecutive semesters T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI pays 75% of books & tuition Recipient pays 10% Sponsor pays 15%
Level 1 $300 bonus from T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI with a possible match from Sponsor 6 month commitment to sponsor or field (based on matching bonus) after education year
Level 2 Used by those taking early childhood related classes towards a Bachelors Degree Covers early childhood classes ONLY All general education classes taken at a 2- year college Can be used for a BA with or without certification
9 to 15 credit hours over 3 consecutive semesters T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI pays 75% of books & tuition Recipient pays 10% Sponsor pays 15% Level 2
Level hrs. paid release time/week $300 bonus from T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI with possible match from Sponsor 9 month commitment after education year Renewable based on funding
Level 3 Supports Associates degree in early childhood education Both general education and early childhood courses Includes an Accessibility Stipend of $40/semester 3 hours of release time to study per week Renewable based on funding
9 to 15 credit hours over 3 consecutive semesters General education & early childhood college courses T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI pays 80% of books & tuition Recipient pays 10% Sponsor pays 10% Level 3
Level 3 $40 Accessibility Stipend per semester 3 hrs. paid release time/week $300 bonus from T.E.A.C.H. MISSOURI $300 or 2% raise from Sponsor 12 month commitment after education year Renewable based on funding
DAYS! You help protect America, and ensure National Security You help children learn the necessary skills to be successful and advance in the job market You help reduce the economic strain of the criminal justice system by helping children stay out of trouble You build brains! 90% of critical brain development happens in the first five years of life!
For More Information Penny Mosher , ext