Transfer Credit by Oregon Community College Median Credits Number of Students Median Credits Number of Students Median Credits Number of StudentsMedian Credits Number of Students Median Credits Number of Students Blue Mountain Community Colleg Central Oregon Community Colle Chemeketa Community College Clackamas Community College Clatsop Community College Klamath Community College Lane Community College Linn-Benton Community College Mount Hood Community College Portland Community College Rogue Community College Southwestern Oregon Community Treasure Valley Community Coll Umpqua Community College
WOU Minors Awarded through Department Average per yearDepartment Average per year American Sign Language Studies Latin American Studies Anthropology Legal Studies Art* L:inguistics Biology Literature Business Mathematics Chemistry* Math Education Chicano Studies Military Science Communication Studies Music Computer Science Philosophy Criminal Justice Physical Education Dance Physical Science Earth Science Political Science Earth Resources121602Psychology Economics Public Policy & Administration Entrepreneurship Social Science Environmental Studies Sociology French Sociology/Community Service Gender Studies424413Spanish Geography675576Special Education German Studies Sports Leadership Gerontology Sports Management Health The Arts History9106 9Theater Arts* Human Biology Visual Communication Design Humanities Writing International Studies
Credits required to complete the minor (2015 catalog) Minor Credits Minor Credits Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)29Homeland Security & Community Preparedness25-28 American Sign Language18Human Biology26-29 Anthropology28Humanities15 Art History for Art majors & Visual Communication Design majors20Information Systems28-30 Art: Studio Art30-32International Studies27 Art: Art History28Latin American Studies27 The Arts27Latino/Chicano Studies24-26 Biology27Legal Studies27-29 Business22Linguistics20 Chemistry27-31Mathematics29-31 Communication Studies27Mathematics Education: Mathematics majors27-38 Computer Science27Mathematics Education: non-mathematics majors27-28 Dance33Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology: Health & Community26 Earth History/Biosphere25-26Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology: Natural Science29 Earth Resources27-30Military Science (Army ROTC)28 Earth System Science25-28Music27 Economics28Organizational Leadership27 English20Philosophy27 Entrepreneurship19Physical Education27 Environmental Chemistry27-29Physical Science27-29 Environmental Studies27-31Physics27 Film Studies29-35Planning28 Forensic Anthropology: Criminal Justice majors28Political Science27 Forensic Anthropology: Anthropology majors28Psychology27 Forensic Anthropology: other than criminal justice or anthropology28Public Policy and Administration27 Forensic Science: Chemistry majors30Social Science27 Forensic Science: Non-chemistry majors28-29Social Science: option a27 Forensic Psychology27Social Science: option b27 French18Spanish20 Gender Studies26-28Special Education/Rehabilitation Counseling27 Geography28Sport Management26 Geographic Information Science24Sports Leadership27 Geology28Theatre Arts27-28 German Studies18Visual Communication Design36 Gerontology27Writing19-20 Health27 History28
Major Total American Sign Language/English Interpreting67 American Sign Language Studies60 Anthropology 64 Art BA/BS 84 Art BFA 133 Biology** 78 Biology Teacher**, ## 70 Business 73 Chemistry 73 Chemistry Forensic Option** 71 Chemistry Medicinal/Pharm 75 Chemistry Environmental 74 Chemistry Teaching**, ## 73 Chemistry Physics 72 Computer Science 77 Computer Science/Math** 105 Communication Studies 66 Community Health 77 Criminal Justice 72 Dance 72 Earth Science** 65 Earth Science Pre-Grad 74 Economics 60 Early Childhood Studies Non- License ## 83 Early Childhood Education ## 106 Early Childhood/Elementary Education ## 114 Elementary/Middle Education ## 110 English**67 Exercise Science**72 Geography64 German**55 German Teaching ##53 Gerontology58 Health Teaching ##77 History72 Humanities75 Information Systems**71 Integrated Science**, ## 64 Interdisplinary Studies54 International Studies72 Language Arts ##73 Mathematics**74 Mathematics Teaching**, ## 66 Music BA/BS72 Music BM120 Philosophy63 Physical Education74 Political Science72 Psychology56 Public Policy and Administration 71 Social Science72 Social Science Teaching ## 60 Sociology72 Spanish65 Spanish Teaching64 The Arts72 Theatre BA/BS72 Theatre BFA**115 VCD84
Major Total Hidden PrerequisitesHidden CreditsActual Total LACCs (Incl WR 115)*B.A.* B.S. (Does NOT Incl 70/95)*ED CoreMinor# BA COMPLETE BS COMPLETE## B.A.## B.S. American Sign Language/English Interpreting67 ASL Ling American Sign Language Studies60 ASL Ling N/A27175N/A Anthropology Art BA/BS Art BFA N/A Biology** 78 BI 102 CH 150 Math 111 Math 112 Math 243 Math * (depending on emphasis) Biology Teacher**, ## 70 BI 102 PH Math 111 Math 112 ED 200, 270, 333, N/A Business 73 BA 240 EC CS 121 COMM 111 WR 135 MATH Chemistry 73 PH MTH 111 MTH Chemistry Forensic Option** 71 ES 340 CH 150 MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH PH PHL Chemistry Medicinal/Pharm 75 BI 102 BI MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH CH 150 CS Chemistry Environmental 74 BI 102 CH 150 MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH PH CH CS 121 GEOG Chemistry Teaching**, ## 73 CH 150 MTH 111 MTH 112 BI 102 BI ED 200, 270, 333, N/A
Chemistry Physics 72 CH 150 MTH 111 MTH 112 CS Computer Science Computer Science/Math** 105 MTH 111 MTH N/A Communication Studies Community Health Criminal Justice Dance 72D Earth Science** 65 MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH 243 ES Earth Science Pre-Grad 74 CH 150 MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH 243 WR 322 ES 340 ES Economics Early Childhood Studies Non-License ## n/a Early Childhood Education ## 106Art 115/ n/a Early Childhood/Elementary Education ## 114Art 115/ n/a Elementary/Middle Education ## n/a English** 67ENG N/A27182N/A Exercise Science** 72BI Geography German** 55GL
Gerontology Health Teaching ## 77 ED 200, 270, 333, History Humanities Information Systems** 71 MTH 111 PSY Integrated Science**, ## 64 CH 150 MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH 243 BI 102 BI CS 195 ED 200, 270, 333, N/A Interdisplinary Studies N/A International Studies 72 1st Year Language N/A27172N/A Language Arts ## 73 ENG ED 200, 270, 333, N/A38N/A211N/A173N/A Mathematics** 74 MTH 111 MTH 112 CS 160 PH Mathematics Teaching**, ## 66 MTH 111 MTH 112 CS 160 ED 200, 270, 333, N/A Music BA/BS Music BM N/A 162 Philosophy Physical Education 74BI N/A Political Science Psychology Public Policy and Administration Social Science
Social Science Teaching ## 60 ED 200, 270, 333, N/A Sociology Spanish 65SPAN N/A27168N/A Spanish Teaching 64SPAN N/A27167N/A167N/A The Arts 72CS Theatre BA/BS Theatre BFA** N/A VCD * This number factors in possible double dipped courses, subtracting the course from the section, if it also applies to the major/hidden pre-req ** Indicates a range of possible credits for major. Selected number based on lowest end of range. # This is the average number of credits required for a minor at WOU. Minors range from credits. ## The Education based majors must complete all coursework with the exception of the professional core, prior to entry into their program. Thus, it must be done in 3 years to graduate in 4 years. For HS ED, the ED prerequisite courses are listed as hidden prerequisites Additional Note: The LACCs can be completed in a range of 54 to 58 credits. For the purposes of this data, we selected the lower end 54, but added the common prerequisite of WR 115 (4), bringing the starting total to 58. The range with this prerequisite could reach 62.